The Sovereignty Campaign ( Eighty-nine years ago today burst Margaret Hilda Roberts upon the world, daughter of the local grocer in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England. She married a man in the chemistry business, Denis Thatcher. By the age of sixty-five, she was delivering as Prime Minister, her last interchange in the House of Commons. There, prophetically, she held strong against the entrapment of … [Read more...]
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Happy Birthday, Margaret Thatcher (excerpts, last Parliament speech, @SovCam)
Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, Communicate!, Redistribution of Wealth into Marxofascist Power, Self-evident fact based reason, Transnationalism & Globalism Tagged With: authoritarianism, collectivism, European Union, global Marxist-fascist movement, globalism - NWO, Margaret Thatcher, Socialism, United Kingdom, video
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