NoisyRoom MEDIA ADVISORY - Tuesday, July 3, 2012 CONTACT: Ryan Gill at or (650) 678-7732 Lineup of Guests for 4th of July Defeat Obama TelethonWe are pleased to unveil the lineup of guests for tomorrow's Defeat Obama Telethon. The 4th of July "Defeat Barack Obama Telethon" will be based on a similar model to Jerry Lewis's historic Labor Day Telethons to fight … [Read more...]
Historic Lineup for July 4 Telethon to Defeat Obama (Gulag Bulletin: incl. Terresa!)
You Can’t Really Prove Obama’s a Commie? Try

New Zeal Is Barack Obama a communist? You know it in your gut... but you just can't prove it? Our sister site KeyWiki is an online encyclopedia of the US left. More than 60,000 profiles of radical/progressive/socialist/communist individuals and organizations. Our most popular page is that of Barack Obama. It just ticked over 100,000 hits today. Click on it today, for all the proof you will ever need of … [Read more...]
Clinton: Nobody’s seen a Communist in years

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Politico... Let's overlook the fact that Clinton looks horrific in this video. No Communists in ten years? We are freaking lousy with them. Maybe he can't recognize a Marxist/Communist because he's married to one. Has this guy been checked for syphilis? Because with statements like that, I strongly suspect his brain is Swiss cheese. One word for Clinton: KeyWiki. … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon: Utah and Colorado Events

By: Trevor Loudon New Zeal I'm back in the US until mid to late June, mainly for research and fundraising, but I will be doing some talks in the North East, California, Utah and Colorado. Utah conference Rocky Mountain Conservatives 3rd Annual Convention & BBQ. Saturday, May 19, 2012. 12pm to 4pm Buy tickets here. Colorado events Monday, May 21 - Liberty Action Group, Pueblo County Conference … [Read more...]
KeyWiki Tops Ten Million Views

New Zeal Last week, our sister site KeyWiki, topped the 10,000,000 unique page views mark. Increasingly, KeyWiki, an online encyclopedia of the covert side of US politics, is being cited in articles and on occasion, attacked by those it exposes. With nearly 60,000 profiles of individuals and organizations, KeyWiki is creating a large "footprint" in cyberspace and rates near the top of page one in Google … [Read more...]
KeyWiki Gets a Little Publicity in Portland Maine

New Zeal An op-ed in Maine's Portland Daily Sun has taken a swipe at New Zeal's sister site KeyWiki. While negative in tone, the column by Bob Higgins does pay us a backhanded compliment or two, even if he gets my country of origin wrong - hint Bob, its similar to the name of this blog. While doing some background in a few stories lately, I constantly seem to be getting results from a page called … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon on GBTV Tonight

NoisyRoom I am thrilled to announce that tonight Trevor Loudon of New Zeal and KeyWiki will be on the Glenn Beck show on GBTV. 5 pm EST, 2 pm PST. As you know, Trevor has broken many of the stories on our Progressive leaders here in the states. Van Jones and Leon Panetta are just two of those. He has written an incredible book on Barack Obama and his ties which is the first in a series of books to come. … [Read more...]
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