Sharpton’s Christmas List … [Read more...]
Rush Limbaugh Promotes Recent AIM Column
Accuracy in Media … [Read more...]
Media Pundit Named in Jesse Jackson Lawsuit
Accuracy in Media Tamara Holder, a Fox News contributor, is accused of having an affair with Jesse Jackson, Sr. in a lawsuit that alleges the illegal use of a gay Jackson employee to facilitate the relationship. The accuser, Tommy R. Bennett, was Jackson’s personal travel assistant and ran the legal clinic at Jackson’s organization, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. He says he was eventually fired for protesting … [Read more...]
Interview with Deneen Borelli – Author of Blacklash
Accuracy in Media In a recent interview with Accuracy in Media, author and political activist Deneen Borelli called Al Sharpton an “ambulance chaser,” citing the Tawana Brawley case. Borelli is the author of the new book Blacklash: How Obama and the Left are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation. In the book, Borelli exposes the Left’s attempt to silence black conservatives who are battling against … [Read more...]
Fox News Hires Supporter of Jeremiah Wright & Derrick Bell
Accuracy in Media Fox News is once again moving to the left, hoping to avoid left-wing attacks on its news operations and commentators. But the move risks alienating conservative viewers. The current controversy involves new Fox News contributor Santita Jackson, who lists the notorious Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., as being among her personal “activities and interests” on her Facebook page. Wright, who was … [Read more...]
Castro Cuddling Jesse Jackson calls for Restoration of US/Cuba Relations
New Zeal The life long pro-communist Rev. Jesse Jackson, has issued a call for restoration of relations between Cuba and the United States. Jesse Jackson and Fidel Castro share a joke and a smoke. Havana 1984. From Cuba’s Granma: The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday termed the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba outdated and obsolete, and said he hoped for the restoration of relations between the two … [Read more...]
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