The Fiction of Barack Obama

NoisyRoom   The People's Cube Everything about Barack Obama is an enormous tapestry of lies woven from interlocking fictions spun from false narrative threads, wrapping and obscuring a dark, poisonous web of malice. An agenda concocted from the depths of Mordor and wickedly implemented. Given, he is a robber baron politician, worthy of designer torches and gold-plated pitchforks, his deceptions are much … [Read more...]

Fox News Hires Supporter of Jeremiah Wright & Derrick Bell

Accuracy in Media   Fox News is once again moving to the left, hoping to avoid left-wing attacks on its news operations and commentators. But the move risks alienating conservative viewers. The current controversy involves new Fox News contributor Santita Jackson, who lists the notorious Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., as being among her personal “activities and interests” on her Facebook page. Wright, who was … [Read more...]