Misunderstanding of the Bush-Hussein (Saddam, not Barack) WMD issue is the direct result of the media’s pervasive, saturation psyops. It drowns out the truth to the point that even intelligent, well-read patriots buy into it. This is Jim Simpson's follow-up to his new item, "Democrats Lied, People Died: Massive WMD Stockpiles Existed in Iraq." -- AW In 2005, I wrote an article by that title. It was meant … [Read more...]
Democrats Lied, People Died: Massive WMD Stockpiles Existed in Iraq
The New York Times is now admitting that WMD always existed in Iraq, they were discovered many times, even injuring our soldiers, but the despicable leftists would crucify anyone who told the truth. So people lied to save their own skins. "Bush lied, people died," as the slogan went. But the liars are, were and have always been the Left. Chief among them was presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, … [Read more...]
MSNBC Promotes New Bush Bashing Book
Accuracy in Media Paul Pillar is the author of a new book on 9/11 and the Iraq War entitled, Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy: Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform. In an appearance on Monday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, Pillar said that the “the most important point to make is, that war decision was not driven by intelligence…if you look at what intelligence was saying to the Bush administration, they were … [Read more...]
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