Against All Enemies On Sunday, 11 November 2012, Major (ret.) Brent Beardsley gave a powerful presentation reflecting on his experience as a Christian Soldier in Rwanda during the Rwandan genocide from 1993-94. He served as the personal staff officer to then Canadian General Romeo Dallaire before and during the Rwandan genocide that engulfed that nation and ultimately claimed the lives of approximately 1 million … [Read more...]
NAACP Silent on ‘Ugly, Black Babies’ Abortionist
PolitiJim From: The National Black ProLife Union Abortion doctor Ashutosh Ron Virmani referred to the black children that he kills as "ugly black babies." It's all too obvious that he has a particular disgust for black babies and therefore has no problems killing them. Abortionist Ashutosh Ron Virmani said, "Let me see one of you adopt one of those ugly black babies," . The black community should be … [Read more...]
Propagandist at Washington Times Perverts WWII History to Scorn Serbs
By: Julia Gorin Right Side News If nationalists win an election in Serbia, it follows that there will be an article in The Washington Times by the paper’s resident Croatian-supremacist Jeffrey T. Kuhner. And so there was, as usual angling for a new war against Serbia - by making the argument that Serbia wants it. ("Did Serbia Vote for War: New ultranationalist president promotes instability" - May 24) “Mr. … [Read more...]
Obamacare, Genocide, & the War on the Unborn
The “eco-terrorist” shot to death in Maryland hated humanity, especially unborn children. But this mentality should not be considered out of the mainstream. He was just more of an activist about it. After all, the “womb war” that Alveda King talked about at Glenn Beck’s rally has already cost the lives of more than 50 million children through abortion. The mission, said the terrorist in his manifesto, was to stop … [Read more...]
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