Accuracy in Media Except for some innuendo in the mainstream press that the Republicans are “desperate” for an issue to use in the presidential campaign, Obama’s mind-boggling statement about Marxist Hugo Chavez of Venezuela not having “a serious national security impact” on the United States is getting little national media attention. But like the private conversation with outgoing Russian President Dmitry … [Read more...]
The Communists Killed Kennedy
Accuracy in Media Former CIA officer Brian Latell’s new book, Castro’s Secrets, includes the revelation that Fidel Castro knew Lee Harvey Oswald was going to kill President Kennedy. The book deserves far more attention that it has received and adds to an existing body of evidence that Castro not only had foreknowledge of the plot to kill JFK but was actually behind it, most likely with Soviet … [Read more...]
Media Protect Elizabeth Warren in Senate Race
Accuracy in Media Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren has picked up the endorsement and fundraising support of entertainer Harry Belafonte, whose reputation as a calypso singer has been superseded by his service to international Marxism. During the Cold War, Belafonte sang at a “Concert for Peace” in communist East Germany, where he attacked President Reagan’s anti-communist foreign … [Read more...]
Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin
NoisyRoom By: Bookworm - From: Bookworm Room I’ve often heard people use the expression “he saw the handwriting on the wall.” I wonder, though, how many know that it originates in the Book of Daniel, which is a part of the Old Testament. I’m reasonably sure that most of my readers are familiar with the story of Daniel, but for those who aren’t, here is the briefest summary possible: Daniel lived in Babylon … [Read more...]
Castro Cuddling Jesse Jackson calls for Restoration of US/Cuba Relations
New Zeal The life long pro-communist Rev. Jesse Jackson, has issued a call for restoration of relations between Cuba and the United States. Jesse Jackson and Fidel Castro share a joke and a smoke. Havana 1984. From Cuba’s Granma: The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday termed the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba outdated and obsolete, and said he hoped for the restoration of relations between the two … [Read more...]
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