Some are aware that the socialist collapse of Greece and other European nations causes massive loan transactions among Europe's deeply corrupt central banking complex, largely through the EFSF. Further, some are aware that the "Federal Reserve" is actually a concoction of these corrupt central bankers and that their voracious beast is "fed" indeed by the confiscasted and drained wealth of America and Americans, … [Read more...]
Greece, et. al. Blowing Up; Federal Reserve Scheming, Skimming, and Debauching Up QE3
Germany Exposes Obama – Well, up to the Ankles
Germany to Obama: Your Idea is Stupid – Would Threaten AAA Sovereign Debt Limits Maggie's Notebook This is exactly what Chris Christie was talking about in the foreign policy portion of his speech at the Reagan Library. The Obama administration can’t take care of the business of the United States, and isn’t respected for telling others how to handle theirs. The Telegraph (read the entire story … [Read more...]
Connecting the Dots: Glenn Beck’s 3/24 TV Video & Andrea Shea King’s Comments
Gulag Note: It would be much more comfortable if this were Andrea's color commentary on a Grapefruit League baseball game. But we must devote our attention to keeping score of the Most Evil Plan(s) Yet. Please contact your Republicans or Blue Dogs in Congress and see if they have a clue at all, about the world. If not, please clue them in. It's a war. Never mind that it's not in any of the papers. Here is the … [Read more...]
Dan Gainor: Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy
Update: this article's author, Dan Gainor will be our Special Guest, this Monday 3/28 on Gulag Night at 10pm ET. Visit Gulag Media Monday night, to listen. We found this article just a few hours after publishing "Oh. My. George. Soros on Europe’s Worsening Banking Crisis & the Most Evil Plan Yet." Please afford the time for this critically important news. Left-wing billionaire's own experts … [Read more...]
Oh. My. George. Soros on Europe’s Worsening Banking Crisis & the Most Evil Plan Yet #OMG
Yet another oracle from the Mouth of Soros is issued, as the Master of Disaster (known to himself, as "God") explains what is right and how to wrong it. This time, it is about Europe. There, he depicts the relatively stronger nations of that financially incontinent subcontinent, e.g., Spain and especially Germany, as the evil forces of nationalism and perhaps even, perish his thought as he hints: national … [Read more...]
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