DOJ Persecution of Diaz Family, Border Patrol Agents, Continues

We begin with a news release from the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council (LEOAC), then show more of the story, providing further context. DOJ Sticks It to Diaz Family Again   LEOAC was informed that the U.S. Bureau of Prisons personnel at the Federal Correctional Institution where Border Patrol Agent Jesus E. "Chito" Diaz, Jr. is serving his prison sentence (withheld for his safety) has informed … [Read more...]

California Congressman Blasts Navy For Naming Ship After Cesar Chavez

NoisyRoom By: NakedEmperorNews CALIFORNIA CONGRESSMAN BLASTS NAVY FOR NAMING SHIP AFTER CESAR CHAVEZ The Navy’s plan to name a new cargo ship after the late civil rights leader and union activist Cesar Chavez on Tuesday drew a strong reaction from Rep. Duncan Hunter, CA. … [Read more...]