NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Shark Tank... … [Read more...]
Allen West Calls Obama’s ‘Forward’ Campaign Slogan ‘Marxist-Socialist’
Kudos to CNN for Fact Checking the Democrats
Accuracy in Media CNN’s Tom Foreman and Erin Burnett did a little “Reality Check” this week at the Democratic Convention that was bold and effective. Don’t they realize that they’re not supposed to call out Democrats who fudge the truth? Apparently not, and good for them. On Tuesday night they responded to the constantly heard refrain: Barack Obama had created 4.5 million private sector jobs in 29 months. … [Read more...]
Media Rehabilitate Clinton for DNC Appearance
Accuracy in Media The author of the explosive book, The Whistleblower. How the Clinton White House Stayed in Power to Reemerge in the Obama White House, tells Accuracy in Media that the scheduled speaking appearance of former President Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday is more evidence that the media whitewash of the Clintons continues. Investigative journalist Marinka … [Read more...]
The DNC Embraces Radical Islam
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Well, the DNC is no longer just on the whacky edge. They have charged full bore (or is that 'full boar?') off the loony cliff of radicalism and are currently yelling Allahu Akbar! all the way down. They've dhimmied up and have gone weak kneed submissive to radical Islam with the steadfast leadership of Keith Ellison and the guidance of Islamic fundamentalist Louis Farrakhan. … [Read more...]
Video: ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Organized by SEIU/ACORN Front, Working Family Party; Ties to Obama, DNC, DSA, Tides & Soros
NoisyRoom Read more at The Blaze... … [Read more...]
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