UPDATE Saturday, June 21: Just got I believe my eighth email from this bastardized, Cheney-tainted operation thus so very beaconing, "False Flag CFR-style neo-con Globalist... False Flag CFR-style neo-con Globalist...." What was it he told his counterpart, Patrick Leahy, of the left side of the complex, to go do to himself? Mr. Cheney, examine your own priorities. -------GB------- (June 19, 2014, 1:38pm) Have you … [Read more...]
See a Cheney, Romney, etc. Globalist Sheepherding Fundraiser? Give Elsewhere!
Dick Cheney’s Demeaning of Sarah Palin, ‘Adequately Explained’
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness... rather expose them. - Paul's Letter to Ephesians, 5:11 The bizarre and destructive behavior of Democrats such as the Obama regime and its most virulent accomplices in Congress is inexplicable to mankind, until one sees it in the context of his being a saboteur of the American way of life and a globalist neo-Marxist. When one understands that, the … [Read more...]
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