Witness Time's article of June 4, "Melinda Gates Lays Out Her Biggest Concern for the Next Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic" and this excerpt, emphasis applied. (G) The first people that need this vaccine are the 60 million health care workers around the world. They deserve to get it before anybody else. Then you start tiering.(T) Who needs it after health care workers?(G) In the U.S., that would be black people … [Read more...]
Melinda Gates: (Perilous) COVID-19 Vaccines Must Go to Blacks and People of Color Before Whites
Whittle & Klavan Video: Showing-up Neo-Marxist Race-baiting Well
"Critical Theory" -- excellent! someone said it -- at 6:42, to be exact. Well done, Mr. Whittle and Mr. Klavan too. Two more observations: There really is still an unsettling residue of racism in America, among numerous whites and numerous blacks, and many of whatever shade one decides to notice -- also among many "progressive" collectivists, in the Planned Plantation Parenthood (and … [Read more...]
Rick Santorum Pushed onto Christian Right as Romney Stalking Horse per Jack Wheeler
Monday, January 16, 2012 at 11:38am CT Word is spreading that Rick Santorum has been endorsed as of last Saturday, by an overwhelming majority of "Evangelical leaders," a.k.a., the oft manipulated "Christian right." Regular readers of Gulag Bound will know that the megamoney powers behind both political parties would be disadvantaged, if either Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul carry out their expressed plans … [Read more...]
Zubi Diamond, Trevor Loudon, Larry Grathwohl, Brandon Darby, & Tina Trent at Oct. 27th America’s Survival Conference
Dear Friend of America’s Survival:BIG NEWS: Financial expert Zubi Diamond, author of Wizards of Wall Street, is speaking at our upcoming October 27 conference. He will discuss the role of George Soros in the financial collapse. Are you concerned about your financial future? Come to our conference. It is free and open to the public. That is NO CHARGE. There are Marxist-oriented “Occupy Wall Street” protests … [Read more...]
Know Hegelian NeoMarxism & the Overton Window, a Simple 2.5 Minute Intro
This video is homespun -- and excellent in cutting right to the quick, of the mass psyops of neo-Marxism. It is also the kernel for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy's analysis of the "Overton Window," duly made (in)famous by Glenn Beck about a year ago. Video: "Illuminati Media Mind Control - Hegelian Dialectic Explained" To the mind of the 21st Century revolutionary, as Obama workmate Bill … [Read more...]
The Absurdity of Karl Marx’s Dialectical Fundamentalism
Communistic Social Science & Apocalyptic Revolution "The great problem here, however, is that Marx’s so-called science views history itself as redemptive. This, of course, is an unfounded assumption on the highest speculative order, something which Marx spent great pains throughout his entire life trying to avoid." G u l a g B o u n d While modern leftist academics routinely mock at the looming … [Read more...]
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