In essence, Obama didn’t release 5 Islamic terrorists. It appears that he freed 6. There are so many crimes committed by Obama and his syndicate that choosing a few for any column is--almost--a monumental task. For example, Obama does not uphold many US laws…if he doesn’t like them. In most Presidential Administrations this--in itself--would be considered a crime. In the Obama syndicate, however, it isn’t … [Read more...]
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Barack Hussein Obama Legacy: Enemy to Humankind
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *In the Searchlights*, Anti-America, Corruption, Crime Criminals & Thugs, Deceit Fabianism False Flags & Sun Tzu, Failed State Strategy: America, Homegrown Enemies of Free America, Militarily Weakening of America, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem Tagged With: Barack Hussein Obama II, Bowe Bergdahl, Department of Veterans' Affairs, health care, Marxism
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