By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Our Founders called it “mobocracy.” And mobocracy is synonymous with democracy. But isn’t democracy synonymous with freedom? No! Not unless one defines “freedom” as mob rule. It might surprise some to learn the United States is not a democracy. Article 4, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution clearly states the United States “shall have a republican form … [Read more...]
Warning! Progressives’ NPV Plan for White House Control, 2012 & Permanently
By Jacquerie Wake Up America While the lamestream media holds public attention on GOP candidate rivalries, a "progressive" strategy is underway to eliminate the role of the states in electing a U.S. President. By transferring electoral votes to a "national popular vote" this "Compact" would usurp the role of the states as safeguarded by our Constitution. In doing so, it could also neutralize Obama's critics … [Read more...]
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