RINO Coup vs. Trump Overplaying its Hand? Johnny DeStefano, Reince Priebus, Monday May 22

  If what I have just read is true (well, if most of that gained from pro-Trump citizen journalist Mike Cernovich pans out and if even a third just read from the flagrantly peculiar blogger, "Lame Cherry" is accurate) then what many of us suspect is roughly true is actually stone cold reality, observable with the five senses. That is, the obvious conspiracy to subvert the presidency of Donald Trump is deeply … [Read more...]

Beyond Bizarre! CDC has a Zombie Apocalypse Training Manual, UPDATED

By: James Simpson DC Independent Examiner White House Lame Ebola Response UPDATE: A Carnival cruise ship with 4,633 on board was refused docking in Belize to offload a married couple, one with possible Ebola symptoms for emergency transport. The wife, a nurse, had treated Ebola patient Thomas Duncan. The ship has departed Belizian waters and is headed for Texas. ------------- You simply … [Read more...]