From Breitbart this morning: A May 7th solicitation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture seeks "the commercial acquisition of submachine guns [in] .40 Cal. S&W." According to the solicitation, the Dept. of Agriculture wants the guns to have an "ambidextrous safety, semiautomatic or 2 round [bursts] trigger group, Tritium night sights front and rear, rails for attachment of flashlight … [Read more...]
Key Video: City Council Hearing on ICLEI in Agenda 21’s Ground War
The following came careening to the Gulag yesterday by tweet of contributor @OhSuzyQz. It is a video of warfare against America being countered. Caveat: its producer, Anthony J. Hilder (@anthonyjhilder) is one of the more controversial and sensationalist of those unafraid of the moniker "conspiracy theorist." We view some of his work, including his allegations against certain Zionists, without favor. But Mr. … [Read more...]
HR 1505: Giant Land Grab for the Police State
Article published in and elsewhere HR 1505: giant land grab for the police state By Chuck Baldwin Montana Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg lent his support for ceding more power and authority to the federal government's emerging police state by supporting HR 1505, the "National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act." This monstrous bill empowers the Department of Homeland … [Read more...]
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