By: Renee Nal | New Zeal It appears that Trump supporters who have rallied behind Larry Wayne Lindsey have been schlonged. Lindsey became an overnight sensation after the Trump Report Drudge Report highlighted a video of the wannabe Trump delegate burning his Republican party registration after pro-Cruz political insiders cast him aside. The trouble with Larry's story is that it is a big fat lie. Larry … [Read more...]
No, Larry Wayne Lindsey Was NOT ‘Turned Away’ from the Colorado State Convention
11:09am CT PolitiJim PolitiJim's Rants From Patriot Alan Vera who needs patriots in WI, OH, PA & VA: Another Stolen Election??? The popular vote results reported by the respective secretaries of state of the key swing states last night are a little more than suspect. The concession by Mr. Romney and the GOP was, at best, premature. The election results are not official until the party electors meet to … [Read more...]
The Darkest Knight – the Anarchist Butterfly Effect
NoisyRoom Let's not call the Aurora shooting a tragedy. A tragedy is a car wreck that kills a family; a tragedy is a derailed train that poisons a town; a tragedy is a plane crash killing all on board. That's not what Thursday's monstrous act was - it was a massacre, it was an outrage. Some loony, nut case picked a gun-free zone where the pickings were easy. He didn't "snap" - he planned it for … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon in Colorado – Two Events So Far
New Zeal I have two events planned so far in Colorado, with a third event to be confirmed. Tom Tancredo presents Trevor Loudon Time: March 16, 2012 from 5:30pm to 9pm Location: VFW Post #4171 Street: 15625 W. 10th Ave City/Town: Golden, CO Website or Map:… Phone: call Marla: 303-523-7297 or Nancy: 303-919-4373 Trevor Loudon in Longmont Join the Longmont 9.12 Tea … [Read more...]
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