Club of Rome Still Pushing “Global Warning” Scam

New Zeal While the world seems to be cooling, the appallingly dishonest Club of Rome is still shamelessly pushing "Global Warming" lies. From Moscow propaganda channel Russia Today: Rising carbon dioxide levels will most likely cause the global average temperature to rise two degrees by 2052, the Club of Rome think tank has said in a report. Failure to come up with a coordinated solution to address … [Read more...]

Rep. Allen West Says ‘Marxist,’ Now Who Else Will Tell the Truth?

Big Government Lost in the blow-up between Representatives West and Wasserman Schultz is that only two days earlier, Allen West said something much more significant and more massively belligerent — about Barack Obama — something the left would prefer drowned out. Must we “know the enemy” or is it enough for those elites in the know to go through their motions and machinations, while mushroom managing the … [Read more...]