One more example of why true American patriots need to be the news media, since the Marxstream Media does fifth column work for the cartel collectivists. Injustice Department? Telephone call reveals Holder's lawless agency A term to know: fifth column (military tactic) … [Read more...]
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Name Names: Brian Fallon, Eric Holder, Elijah Cummings, DOJ, IRS, Treasury, Barack Obama
Filed Under: *Resisters' Log*, Communicate!, Homegrown Enemies of Free America, Investigations, Propaganda of Deceit & Domination, Spies and Moles, Watch Aid Protect Defend Tagged With: authoritarianism, Barack Hussein Obama II, Brian Fallon, collectivists & propaganda, corruption, Democrat, Department of Justice, Elijah Cummings, Eric Holder, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury Department, U.S. Congress
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