Oppression Through Social Control

Those that succumb to the desire to conform, will never be part of any solution, they will only perpetuate the status quo. Conformity does not lead one to attempt to make the world a better place, it only solidifies one’s mundane existence in the world’s current, static state. Progress and innovation cannot happen in the process of following the rules while living in a small box. The human race has seen its greatest … [Read more...]

Eric Holder’s Admitted Desire to ‘Brainwash’ Americans about Guns

A picture with a few well reported words; what is it worth in consideration of Attorney General Holder and the Obama administration? Sometimes I think one could show a video of Obama and Holder biting the heads off babies, to many brainwashed Democratic voters and it would not make a difference to them. But, here is the video of Holder's spilling the beans on the topic of collectivist … [Read more...]