Founders' Code The dealing with Haqqani/Taliban goes back to 2009 and had underlying objectives such that many players worked the deal(s) extending sweet honey to Haqqani/Taliban masked in a trade for Bergdahl. Bowe Bergdahl was a proven risk in Afghanistan going back as far as 2009, when more than once he left his post telling some in his unit he no longer believed in the American mission and wanted to do … [Read more...]
Dirty Dealing for Bowe Bergdahl: Hillary Clinton, Haqqani & Taliban
White House Calls Bergdahl’s Fellow Soldiers Liars

There are no depths to which the Obama syndicate will not sink, in order to suppress and destroy the truth. And there is no tactic too demeaning for them to use against their enemies. Now, it appears the soldiers who daily protect Americans have been targeted by the Obama White House collective as its adversaries. These creatures who serve the dictator-in-chief and their master are anathema. The White House … [Read more...]
Barack Hussein Obama Legacy: Enemy to Humankind

In essence, Obama didn’t release 5 Islamic terrorists. It appears that he freed 6. There are so many crimes committed by Obama and his syndicate that choosing a few for any column is--almost--a monumental task. For example, Obama does not uphold many US laws…if he doesn’t like them. In most Presidential Administrations this--in itself--would be considered a crime. In the Obama syndicate, however, it isn’t … [Read more...]
Vid: Former State Dept. Spox Rich Grenell: Soldier who Served with Bowe Bergdahl Says he Deserted Bergdahl’s father’s deleted tweet a smoking gun? Objective military assessment: Bowe Bergdahl case Bombshell: First words of Bergdahl’s father at White House were Arabic … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin 100% Right on Obama and Bergdahl or Not Seeing Enough?

Excellent as usual. Except, Barack Obama didn't blow it. He and his left-siders of the ?NWO? are with the Jihadi terrorists. Or, if he blew it, it will be because Americans learn from this and come to understand. The New World Order, especially it's leftist side, wants military morale to tank -- that of the true patriots in the military, that is. They want them out, marginalized, and suspected as terrorists, so … [Read more...]
DC’s Pentagon Plan: War is Peace, Citizens are the Enemy And the Constitutional violations just keep on comin'... Barack Obama isn't just doubling down on shredding our founding document, he's doing a boogie on it with a treasonous twist. Not just at home, but abroad -- from the IRS scandal to Benghazi -- his hubris and disdain for America is breathtaking. Bill Gertz reported this week on a memo outlining Obama’s plan to use the military against … [Read more...]
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