NoisyRoom The Blaze aired a special last week in two parts called The Project. Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here. As I have contended from the very beginning, Obama and his minions are corrupt beyond belief. It is my belief that Obama is actively facilitating the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Islam in an effort to bring America to her knees and usher in not only Sharia law, but a worldwide caliphate. This … [Read more...]
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Infiltration, Treason, Jihad – Welcome to The Project
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *In the Searchlights*, *Solutions*, 2012 Elections, A War - Win It, Anti-America, Anti-Christianity, Anti-Jew Anti-Israel, Barack Obama, Collectivist Philosophies, Cultural Marxism, Elections, Eric Holder, Homegrown Enemies of Free America, How We Got Here, Investigations, Marxist Spotting, Marxofascist Strategy, Militarily Weakening of America, Muslim Brotherhood's Bosses, Neo-Marxism Planned Mayhem, Unholy Alliance: Islam Tagged With: 1st Amendment, Barack Hussein Obama II, blasphemy, caliphate, collectivists & propaganda, Coup, dawa, Egypt, Eric Holder, Holyland Foundation, infiltration, Iran, Islam Islamism jihad jihadism, Israel, Janet Napolitano, Libya, Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, Muslims, subversion, Taqiyya, terrorism, The Blaze, the progressive plantation, The Project, treason, U.S. Constitution, war
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