#ObamaFraud There's the hashtag. Further explanation is not necessary for many. #Obama II is the #Gosnell #Infanticide #President. Why does "conservative" media persist in covering up his fraud? #tcot #Ccot | @jillstanek — Arlen Williams (@ArlenWms) April 13, 2013 Obama is the #Gosnell #President. Why does "conservative" media persist in covering up his fraud? @michellemalkin … [Read more...]
Obama is the #Gosnell President – Tweeting: #ObamaFraud
The First Sighting of Barack Obama

In December 2010, during his first week in prison at Fort Leavenworth, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Terry Lakin met with his assigned civilian psychologist, who claimed to know why Lakin was in prison. As the psychologist put it, Lakin did not believe Obama to be born in America and thus constitutionally eligible to be president. Lakin corrected him. As Lakin explained, he did not know where the president was born or … [Read more...]
ASK Interviews the Obama Social Security Number Investigator

From Andrea Shea King Tonight on my radio program the private investigator whose research revealed that Obama has been using a fraudulent Connecticut Social Security Number since at least 1986 as well as a fraudulent Selective Service Number Susan Daniels information was included in Jack Cashill's latest book "Deconstructing Obama", and tonight she will lay it all out for us. Join us at 9 pm … [Read more...]
Obama Adoption Memo Smells of Collusion

Someone at the Department of Homeland Security has some explaining to do. On July 7, Boston Globe reporter Sally Jacobs wrote an article for Boston.com whose headline teased the reader with bombshells to come, "Father spoke of having Obama adopted." The article was written to help promote her new book, The Other Barack: The Bold and Reckless Life of President Obama's Father, due to be released on … [Read more...]
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