Lee Rhiannon is an Australian Greens Senator. Senator Rhiannon is the leading light of the Left of the Australian Greens and a contender for the leadership of the party. She is the daughter of Freda Brown and Bill Brow, who were both Communist Party of Australia leaders, The August 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia precipitated a bitter struggle inside the CPA. The majority condemned … [Read more...]
Media Portray Obama as Reaganesque
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media President Obama is being portrayed as a “peace through strength” Ronald Reagan Republican as he travels abroad. “With the Obama administration’s high-profile pivot toward Asia this week—pushing for a new free-trade agreement with at least eight other countries and securing military basing rights in Australia—China is feeling at once isolated, criticized, encircled and … [Read more...]
Viv Porszolt: Kiwi Marxist Detained in Israel
New Zeal Vivienne Porszolt Long time Marxist activist, New Zealand born, Australian based Vivienne Porszolt, has been detained in Israel. This week, Vivienne Porzsolt, spokeswoman for the Australian arm of Jews Against the Occupation and a former Australian Greens MP Sylvia Hale, were detained by Israeli authorities. Jewish activist Porzsolt, a Kiwi who now lives in Sydney, and Hale flew to Tel Aviv … [Read more...]
Greenie Gaia Guy’s Globalist Gabble
New Zeal Listen to this unbelievable Green/socialist/Gaia loving/globalist/pseudo-scientific B.S. Tim Flannery, head of Australia’s Climate commission dribbles on very eloquently about not very much. This would be hilarious, if the ideas expressed here were not influencing our lives to such an huge degree. Thanks to Nancy. … [Read more...]
Chinese Warships in Australian Ports?
New Zeal Australia’s last Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, warned the United States that China posed a military threat to the Pacific region. Australian Defence White Papers have confirmed this assessment. Now Kevin Rudd’s replacement, Julia Gillard, appears to discount the Chinese threat theory idea and has moved towards allowing greater Chinese/Australian military co-operation. This will include livefire … [Read more...]
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