New Zeal … [Read more...]
American Bolsheviks – The Second Act
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Well, look who's sprouting out of the radical ground! It reads like a who's who of Communists... From 99% Spring Action Training We're at a crossroads as a country. In recent years, millions have lost their jobs, homes have been foreclosed, and an unconscionable number of children live in poverty. We have to stand up to the people who caused of all this and … [Read more...]
Gore Calls for an American Spring
NoisyRoom Al Gore: "We Need To Have An American Spring" The calls for open revolution by the Progressive/Marxists are getting stronger and stronger. Mixed in it, Gore claims he wants non-violent revolution. He's lying. Listen to how Russia TV is wording this. They are fomenting outright revolution here in the US. RT is a subversive and Communist propaganda outlet for Russia. Russia would love to see us … [Read more...]
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