DianaWest.net - Thursday, October 31, 2019 Last night, at the 42nd Annual Pumpkin Papers Irregulars Dinner, I delivered the following remarks to honor the memory of Vladimir Bukovsky. I never had the joy of meeting Vladimir Bukovsky in person. We connected over attacks against my book American Betrayal because they were so similar to attacks against his own work. He and his colleague Pavel Stroilov co-wrote two … [Read more...]
WestFest: Diana West with Glenn Beck on TheBlaze
New Zeal From 2013, but well worth watching Diana West with Glenn Beck on TheBlaze. Gulag Note: See tag below, "Diana West," for more. … [Read more...]
Diana West Fest, ‘Who Betrayed America?’
This has been around for awhile, but it is a must view. Diana West is an American national treasure. She makes the very relevant and totally valid point that Soviet communism was dictating US foreign and domestic policies during the 1930s and '40s. She draws a parallel with today's influence of Islam on America's domestic and foreign policies. Diana West speaks a fundamental and basic truth. Her book … [Read more...]
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