New Zeal Cliff Kincaid, President of America's Survival reports: Supporters of paid Russian agent Adam Kokesh are blaming America’s Survival, Inc. for the termination of his show on Russian TV. His last program was on Tuesday night. I have no way of knowing why he went off the air. But I do know that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) received my complaint over Kokesh apparently violating U.S. law … [Read more...]
Paid Russian Agent Adam Kokesh Off Air – Does “America’s Survival” Deserve Credit?
Cliff Kincaid and Jerry Kenney Discuss Russia Today
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Gulag Bound By: KenneyTVonline … [Read more...]
Adam Kokesh, Paid Russian Agent
New Zeal Cliff Kincaid of USA Survival News confronts anti-war activist Adam Kokesh over his paid position with Moscow’s propaganda channel Russia Today. Cliff Kincaid is one of the few journalists to take this issue seriously. Russia Today is a virulently anti-American propaganda channel, every bit as dangerous as Pravda or the Tass News Agency were during the Cold War. Russia Today and its American … [Read more...]
Provoking the Whirlwind
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton The Tea Party vs. Adam Kokesh Recently, I posted videos of the arrests at the Jefferson Memorial by those who were dancing in violation of a court ruling prohibiting such actions at the monument. While I still stand by my original objection, which was against a heavy handed police overreaction and a violation of Constitutional rights, I have had time to ponder what … [Read more...]
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