For the first time in the history of the United States of America, the country is under constant and escalating assaults from both outside and within its borders. In actual fact, its Southern Border has been completely erased by the resident of what was once its citizens’ White House. In 2008, a cabal of cut-throat criminals took it over and appear to has no intention of releasing its death grip on it, the nation or … [Read more...]
UPDATE: Christian Ministries Shut-Out by Obama & DHS from Aiding Alien Minors Pushed into America
The Obamunists hardly want actual Christian relief organizations interfering with their planned and executed, Marxofascist disruption, at these hideously abused children's expense. An "Army" of Christians on the Border Prepared to Respond to "Heart-Breaking" Child Immigrant Crisis UPDATE - the CBN video featured in the Charisma Magazine article linked through the above (too bad the CBN staff is regurgitating … [Read more...]
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