Founders Code Primer: (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released Justice Department records showing that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe did not recuse himself from the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s unsecure, non-government email server until Tuesday, November 1, 2016, one week prior to the presidential election. The Clinton email probe was codenamed “Midyear … [Read more...]
Archives for 2017
Weekly Featured Profile – Scott Douglas Scott Douglas is an Alabama activist. He is Executive Director of Greater Birmingham Ministries "a multi-faith, multi-constituency and multi-racial organization that provides emergency services to families in economic crisis while working with congregations and low-income residents to reclaim communities, identify and fill gaps in social service infrastructures and build community … [Read more...]
Old School Parenting at Christmastime
By: Lloyd Marcus Like millions of lower to middle income American families back in the day, my parents did an awesome job at Christmastime. With little money, they always found a way to give their kids happy Christmases. As the 9 year old eldest, I babysat my 4 siblings. I knew mom and dad did not have a lot of money. And yet, I never thought we were poor or felt shortchanged at Christmas. I don't remember my … [Read more...]
Mainstream Media Has Yet To Report Obama’s Alleged #Hezbollah Treason
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal “Israel can’t even imagine the size of our arms stockpile.” - Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." - Article III, Section III, United States Constitution Would the deliberate thwarting of a federal investigation into a terrorist … [Read more...]
Trump Honors Treaty With Ukraine That Was BROKEN By Obama
New Zeal This is great news. Wonderful news, friends. @POTUS is keeping a promise made in the form of a treaty to #Ukraine that was BROKEN by Obama. We will now arm Ukraine so that they can protect themselves against #Russia. A great Christmas present for all lovers of freedom, — Trevor Loudon (@newzealblog) December 24, 2017 … [Read more...]
Pete Hoekstra’s Wasted Opportunity
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal "Anyone in Holland knows it’s true: Muslim migrants do live in No Go Zones - plural - & are fast wrecking the place." - Clare Lopez, Center for Security Policy, December 22 2017 "Housing Minister Eberhard van der Laan has published the controversial list of the so-called "40 problem neighbourhoods". The minister had originally refused to name the areas for fear that the … [Read more...]
WANTED: Fugitive Roda Taher in $94 million scheme linked to Hezbollah
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal The Obama administration allegedly thwarted a federal investigation into Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah in order to appease Iranian officials in their single-minded determination to pass the Iran Nuclear Deal. In the wake of this bombshell, which is now confirmed to be a target for investigation by Congress, a story that did not make it past the local news today should be making … [Read more...]
BIG NEWS: Congress WILL investigate Obama’s #Hezbollah Scheme
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal Perhaps CNN will finally report on it? Congress is "formally" taking steps to examine claims made in a ground-breaking Politico article alleging that in order to appease Iranian officials while securing the Iran Deal, senior Obama administration officials deliberately thwarted an official investigation into Hezbollah's massive drug-running operation "even as it was funneling cocaine … [Read more...]
Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American’s Christmas Video Gift to His American Tea Party Family
The Unhyphenated American, Lloyd Marcus takes you down memory lane while singing Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. … [Read more...]
How Muslims and Marxists delivered Alabama for Doug Jones
New Zeal Cross-posted from WND A coalition of Muslim and Marxist-led groups won the November 12, 2017 Alabama Senate election for Doug Jones. The activists consisting of Muslims, Hispanics and mainly Black Christians formed a group called the "Stand As One Coalition." After the election, representatives from the groups bragged in a press conference about making 63,880 robocalls, making 8,776 direct phone … [Read more...]
Anti-Americanism: The Official Policy of the NFL
By: Thomas Wigand | New Zeal For months now we’ve endured the spectacle of NFL players taking a knee (or hiding in the locker room) during the national anthem. Receiving blowback, some tried to claim that they weren’t intending to insult our country, but to raise consciousness about the plight of Blacks in the United States of America. BULLONEY. It’s called the national anthem for a reason – it is symbolic … [Read more...]
The Truth About Profiling is That Everyone Does it.
By: Lloyd Marcus My black brother who lives in Baltimore said something that has stuck with me. He said, "I am tired of having to show people (whites) that I am not like them (black thugs)." His comment was made to convince me that NFL players have valid reasons for protesting our country. I told my brother it is not white America's fault that blacks commit more crimes than any other race except whites. … [Read more...]
The Denise Simon Experience – 12/14/17
The Denise Simon Experience Hosted by DENISE SIMON, the Senior Research / Intelligence Analyst for Foreign and Domestic Policy for numerous flag officers and intelligence organizations. THIS WEEK'S GUESTS: Tom Kelly / Jeff McCoy / April Few / John Groen BROADCAST WORLDWIDE:THURSDAYS: 9:00PM (eastern) on: WJHC - Talk 107.5FMWDDQ - Talk 92.1FMWLBB - News Talk 1330AMAnd on her Digital Flagship … [Read more...]
Alabama Marxists ‘look forward to organizing for progress together’ with Doug Jones
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal Alabama's Marxists are happy. Southern socialists are fired up. Mobile Democratic Socialists of America added this to their Facebook page last night, only minutes after Democrat Doug Jones was declared the winner of the Alabama Senate election. This comes on top of the victory of Birmingham Democratic Socialists of America endorsed Randall Woodfin in the November 7 Birmingham … [Read more...]
Turning Red States Marxist Red
The Alabama win for Barack Obama’s candidate Doug Jones confirms our thesis that Obama is running the Democratic Party and the anti-Trump resistance. Obama, who recently compared President Trump to Hitler, recorded a robocall in support of the Alabama Democrat, calling him a “fighter for equality, for progress.” His notion of progress means suppressing the white vote and inciting black voters, who now believe by a … [Read more...]
Quinton Jefferson, Another Nail in the NFL Coffin
By: Lloyd Marcus I caught video of NFL player Quinton Jefferson trying to climb into the stands to attack a fan who threw food at him. Jefferson was so enraged that it took 3 huge security guys to restrain him. Obviously, the fan is an idiot and should suffer consequences for his action. Regarding Jefferson, I thought, dude you're a millionaire pro-athlete. Why would you risk throwing … [Read more...]
Russia Plans Alternate Internet, Condemns the West
Founders Code Primer: Capping off months of controversy, espionage claims and international intrigue, the U.S. government ban on Kaspersky Lab software has been signed into law. The ban, wedged into the Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), would preclude all federal computers and connected networks from using antivirus software made by the Russian cybersecurity firm. The Kaspersky … [Read more...]
Our Countless Federal Investigative Committees – Where Scandals Go to Die
Political Vanguard Congressional “oversight” is nearly as old as our Constitution. It started with James Madison, our fourth President. In 1816, while he was President, the House of Representatives established a committee to oversee parts of the Federal government. Its focus was where and how money was spent. That committee is still around today. Since 1927, the committee has had several names and … [Read more...]
Facebook stops people from posting Breitbart article; PolitiFact changes headline to suit narrative
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal It appears that the Washington Post, Facebook, the so-called "fact-checkers," radical left wing groups registering felons to vote and the insane amount of money from the left and the "right" that poured into Alabama has done it's job. Consider this disgusting quote from New Jersey Senator Cory Booker: “My friends on the other side of the aisle have told me, and said publicly, that … [Read more...]
Al Franken resigns, diminishes allegations, vows to be an ‘activist’
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal In what can only be described as a silly, self-important speech, former Minnesota Senator Al Franken diminished the sexual harassment allegations against him, referred to himself as a "champion for women," and vowed to keep fighting politically as an "activist." The allegations against Franken by eight women are detailed here. As an aside, Al Franken should not be a Senator … [Read more...]
Khrushchev’s Declaration to Bury America is Successful
Founders Code There was a time during World War II that the United States crafted, owned and delivered an effective message and media campaign against Nazism and communism. All Federal government agencies including the military did a remarkable job and saw a successful campaign. Today not so much. There was no real messaging campaign during the Korean War or Vietnam and even less when it came to the … [Read more...]
Chatting Sexual Harassment With Lib Relatives
By: Lloyd Marcus After spending the last four months moving from Florida and settling into our new home in West Virginia, Mary and I are on the road again. We are flying to campaign for Judge Moore in the Alabama senate race. Moore's Democrat opponent, Doug Jones, is a horrible deceitful man. Jones supports slaughtering babies even up to the point of birth. Jones supports Planned Parenthood trafficking baby … [Read more...]
#FakeNews: Is Jay Kaganoff really Jay W. Cobb?
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal "[Jeff] Flake was a Tea Party conservative before there was a Tea Party. And when the Tea Party arrived, he watched in despair as it made something ugly out of his cherished principles." - Jay W. Cobb Jay Kaganoff wrote an OpEd for the Washington Post yesterday urging "fellow conservatives" to call on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign. The "conservative" writes in … [Read more...]
Life Down on the Democrat Plantation – Part II of II
By: Thomas Wigand | New Zeal Life Down on the Democrat Plantation “The more things change, the more they stay the same” Life Down on the Democrat Plantation - Part I of II As already said, but it bears repeating, engineered poverty is nothing new – it’s right out of the old Marxist playbook: the Democrats have “minorities” while the Marxists had the “proletariat.” The Democrats have “White privilege” … [Read more...]
Life Down on the Democratic Plantation – Part I of II
By: Thomas Wigand | New Zeal Life Down on the Democrat Plantation “The more things change, the more they stay the same” These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to … [Read more...]
Conservative Dupes in the Russia-gate Probe
Rush Limbaugh has interviewed former prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy about how Robert S. Mueller’s Russia-gate investigation has turned out so badly for President Trump and his associates. That’s funny. Back in May, McCarthy, a former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, wrote an article for National Review appearing under the headline, “Robert Mueller: A Solid Choice for Trump-Russia … [Read more...]
The Elusive Jay Kaganoff
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal The Washington Post published an OpEd by Jay Kaganoff on Wednesday appealing to "fellow conservatives" to revisit the decades-old charges of sexual harassment from Anita Hill against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. But there is something quite odd about the author of this OpEd, who appears to be a phantom. According to his byline, Jay Kaganoff is "a freelance writer based in … [Read more...]
Trump Declares Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel
Founders Code Huge speech and decision. If the Palestinians can have their own capitol, why not Israel? In reality and presently the United States does have a consulate in Jerusalem already. Marine FAST teams (elite security forces) and increased security have already been ordered at most U.S. diplomatic operations in key locations around the world, expecting protests. Additionally, did you know the … [Read more...]
There are Only Two Genders #Science
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal "Cultural Marxism is all about breaking down personal identity to destroy social cohesion. As gender is central to identity, widespread gender confusion can only accelerate the revolutionary process." -Trevor Loudon There has been a consistent Social-Media-Endorsed meme that there are more than two genders. Well, it is not true. There are only two. The Party of Science (and when … [Read more...]
Is the Homeland Prepared for NoKo Missiles?
Founders Code Or China or Russia? Ever wonder why there is no defense system in Hawaii or other remote Pacific Islands? Unless, we are poised to deploy the new SM-6 which has had remarkable recent test results. (Is there a defense system for electronic warfare or cyber?) What if North Korea or Iran launched a nuclear missile aimed at the United States? Could we prevent it from … [Read more...]
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