Unlike the cases of Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin, this appears to be an matter of abuse in which the police in this instance are videoed and for which eyewitness accounts appear to be consistent and corroborative. If this is the abuse it so demonstrably seems to be, it is a kind that is not at all unique in our times; rather a problem that should be exposed and examined nationwide. But the victim is not of a … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2014
BREAKING? Man with Huntingtons Brutalized by Police Before his Two Young Children
APUSH Attack on America via Historical Revisionism: Background
It has been said that history is written by the winners of wars. In Fabianist Marxofascist schemes, wars are won by the re-writing of history. EXCLUSIVE: Texas is 'Nation's Last Best Chance' to Block APUSH, Say Experts Norman Dodd knew first-hand and he warned us of the soft treason (video and commentary in Gulag // full transcript via supremelaw.org): So they approach the Rockefeller Foundation with a … [Read more...]
Islamic State’s Ultimate Goal: Saudi Arabia’s Oil Wells
Claud Salhani OilPrice.com via Noisy Room For the terrorist group known as the Islamic State, Syria and Iraq were a good place to start their campaign, but in order to survive and prosper it knew from the outset that it had no choice but to set its sights on the ultimate prize: the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. It is in that direction that the battle for control of the world's largest oil fields is currently … [Read more...]
Just Who is Gulag Bound?
We are. Since we have begun a more formal email subscription program, we should probably reintroduce ourselves. Thank you for giving us this opportunity. GulagBound.com was begun on July 4, 2010 as a Web-based magazine (Webzine) of citizen researchers, journalists, and authors, both professional and amateur. We reveal what is behind the scenes politically, showing threats to the survival of our free America, … [Read more...]
Cruz: Those Who Hate Israel also Hate America
NoisyRoom.net I have seen a great number of despicable displays of bigotry, racism and sheer hatred towards Jews, Christians and Conservatives... especially in the last few years since Obama took office. But this just takes the cake. Ted Cruz was the keynote speaker at the new "In Defense Of Christians" organization's dinner in Washington, DC last night. He was booed off the stage when he spoke in defense of … [Read more...]
Remember John P. O’Neill on 9-11, ‘The Man Who Knew’
What was going on in the halls of power that apparently brought the Clinton/Reno "Department of Justice" to apply subterfuge to set-up and fire their own, contrastingly effective, FBI agent assigned to al Qaeda and Bin Laden? Set up for his all to ironic death at the WTC on 9-11-2001. For being too effective? For knowing too much? This video and associated reporting is must see information for perusal and … [Read more...]
Tea Party and Race: and the Big Lie Died
When Democrat or RINO voting people see that the Tea Party isn't racist even though they've been told we are, it should begin to dawn on them that those who spout this extreme slander are themselves steeped in wickedness. But how many of those who prefer chains to freedom have minds free enough to generate such a reflection? -- AW NoisyRoom.net … [Read more...]
Cuba Trolls America’s Left for Spies
NoisyRoom.net In the fertile, Marxist hellholes that are now our universities, the Cubans are recruiting with zeal. They are pulling in American spies from the Left using a variety of enticements - chief among them... sexual entrapment. It's easy to entrap and force compliance from somebody who has sins to hide and our colleges are full of such 'sterling characters.' People who can't keep it in their pants and … [Read more...]
Museum of National Embarrassments
NoisyRoom.net … [Read more...]
Scientists Predicting 100,000 or More Ebola Deaths
DC Independent Examiner A recent report in Science magazine has made the scary prediction that as many as 100,000 people worldwide could be infected with the Ebola virus in the coming months. Northeastern Universty physicist Alessandro Vespignani hopes his prediction does not come to pass, however, based on the virus's spread, he predicts as many as 10,000 by the end of September alone. Other researchers … [Read more...]
Holder’s DOJ Punishes Employer for Verifying Against Illegal Hires
Forgery of documents is rampant in the illegal immigration racket. That is why an employer which truly cares about its business integrity and the virtues of our republic may be prone to request more than the minimum documentation from potential employees. For example, if an apparent residence and work authorization an employee produces has expired, it may ask for the new document. That could produce difficulty … [Read more...]
Cold War History Recovered — M. Stanton Evans
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet This is a great discussion with journalist and author M. Stanton Evans who wrote the book Blacklisted by History, which examines the history of the McCarthy hearings, and the infiltration of known communists into the highest levels of the U.S. government. I often plug the book because I have found it to be one of the most complete and thorough investigations into the whole … [Read more...]
Who Is Alger Hiss?
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet There was quite a bit of traffic generated from a recent article I wrote titled “What the U.N. Doesn’t Want You to Know,” which covered the dubious origins of the United Nations.One of the leading forces behind the creation of the United Nations was a Soviet spy. Enter Alger Hiss: From Cleon Skousen’s book The Naked Capitalist (p. 47): There were 74 [Council … [Read more...]
What the United Nations Doesn’t Want You to Know
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet My friend Lt. Robert Powell from the Pacific Freedom Foundation recently emailed me about a new PowerPoint presentation he put together (compiled and written by Irving Baxter Jr.) on the murky origins of the United Nations. This is also a subject matter I’ve delved into quite deeply myself. Powell’s slides offer the history in manageable chunks, and I’ve converted the slides … [Read more...]
Bill’s Jihadi Entitlement Program
NoisyRoom.net … [Read more...]
Islamist group takes over U.S. Embassy in Libya
DC Independent Examiner The U.K. Daily Mail is reporting today that an Islamist group is now occupying the former U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya. This was a non-violent takeover. They basically walked in. Embassy staff had departed in July because of the deteriorating security situation in Libya. The video embedded here shows the Islamic group, which goes by the name Fajr Libya, or Dawn of Libya, swimming … [Read more...]
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