By: Dick Manasseri WatchDog Wire Thirty-nine House Democrats decided that the stench of Obamacare was getting too close for comfort. They actually voted with Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI-06) and the Republicans, on the #Keep Your Health Plan Act, to legislatively fix the “if you like your policy” Obama lie that suddenly has hit a nerve with an otherwise comatose electorate. Could it be that the folks back … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2013
WachDogWire: MI Upton’s ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’ Reveals Voter Discontent
Intimidation Tactics of Secret Investigations and Vague Laws Cross-Posted at Right Wing News In blatant fascistic form, homes were raided and subpoenas were issued targeting conservative groups and allies of Scott Walker in a secret investigation. Meet Special Prosecutor Francis Schmitz who is the Marxist attack dog who was set loose upon 29 conservative groups in Wisconsin connected to Scott Walker and the failed recall that tried to oust him from office for … [Read more...]
Bill O’Reilly Calling Wise, Informed, and Scrutinizing Patriots, ‘Kooks’

Tonight, Bill O'Reilly labeled as "kooks," those of us who are honest and responsible scrutinizers of who should or should not be our Commander in Chief. He nearly called us racists, to boot. Never mind the readily apparent fraudulence of Barack Obama's purported birth certificate and draft registration. Never mind the lifelong co-commitments with communists. Never mind the lifelong affinity for Islam and … [Read more...]
Letting Oprah & Obama Keep You Collectivist Slaves on the Racist Abortion Plantation?

Hey blacks! Here! - in this country! You! Blacks! "You people!" - if that is how you choose to see yourselves. Are you Americans, or what? When are most black folk in America going to wake up and understand that by and large, Americans don't care. We don't care about your being black. Let me say that again. WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR BEING BLACK We want Americans to understand and … [Read more...]
Ted Cruz: It would be easier to write the uninsured a check

And should Barack Obama be impeached, Senator Cruz? … [Read more...]
Madison Project PAC Endorses Colonel Rob Maness for Senate in Louisiana Hat Tip: Dick Manasseri Fort Worth, TX – The Madison Project PAC, the first conservative PAC to endorse Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Matt Bevin (R-KY), announced today that it is supporting Colonel Rob Maness for U.S. Senate against Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) in Louisiana. “Rob Maness provides conservatives with a refreshing change from typical senatorial candidates,” said Drew Ryun of the … [Read more...]
Bloomberg In-Depth Reporting — On Bended Knee Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Journalist Michael Forsythe Bloomberg explains why we (being the American mainstream media) don't speak truth to power. This is in regards to the blatant censorship by senior editors of an award-winning journalist exposing the connections between a Chinese tycoon and his ties to families of Communist Party leaders: In the call, Mr. Winkler defended his … [Read more...]
The Police State ‘Fusion’ By: Gerald Loeffers Hello everyone! How are you? Yes, I am talking about the police state again. I will talk about south Carolina, these Fusion Centers and the DHS absorption of local PD and sheriff's departments. I have seen a future news special on making better cops. I have watched the clips and these new cops are basically getting 'military boot camp' training and not getting any 'people' … [Read more...]
Is America ‘In Good Hands’ with the TSA?

The Transportation Security Administration or TSA was created on November 19, 2001 following the tragedy of September 11, 2001. The agency was made a part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act which was the bi-partisan brainchild of House of Representatives, Republican Don Young from Alaska and Democrat Ernest Hollings of South Carolina, former U.S. Senator (more proof that bipartisan efforts never render … [Read more...]
‘Flexibility’ With Our Enemies Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Now, this is "flexibility" comrade! Moving from the insane to the treasonous... welcome to Glonass, the Russian GPS positioning and monitoring system. And our State Department sees no problem with allowing these systems to be positioned on American soil throughout the country: In May 2012, Moscow requested that the United States allow the ground-monitoring stations … [Read more...]
Hannah Arendt’s Warning, the Violence of Hive-Mindedness: Groupthink

Hannah Arendt is one of the best of 20th Century America's imported political philosophers, historians, and brooders of contemporary society. I'd recommend her over Ayn Rand for instance, most days of the week. And for her salience, she is being assailed by one of our Columbia University-ish "thought leaders." No surprise there. The matter of contention in this instance is, from one of Arendt's books, that the … [Read more...]
United In Tyranny: The United Nations Human Rights Council

By: Aeneas Lavinium ICLA An article published a few days ago at[1] reported that Saudi Arabia had been elected onto the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Once again, the concept of human rights has been brought into disrepute at the United Nations. Saudi Arabia should not be judging human rights, it should be answering charges! This dysfunctional nature of the United Nations itself is … [Read more...]
Attention Main Stream Media. Regarding Obamacare. I Told You So!

C. Steven Tucker Back on August 3rd, 2013 I wrote a piece exposing what I stated then will soon happen to millions of Americans if we do not support the Tea Party and Republican lead effort to defund Obamacare. In that piece, I stated when President Obama promised – “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan and no one will take it away from you, period” he was not telling the truth. Watch President Obama … [Read more...]
Seattle Makes a Gesture to the Citizenry Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Behold the American Gestapo enabled by small white boxes that create a surveillance network that would have done the Stasi proud. Adorned with antennas and attached to utility poles, these boxes are about to make privacy a thing of the past and Seattle is certainly the testing ground for the surveillance state on steroids. But the citizenry are not quite the … [Read more...]
Sex Trafficking: A Billion Dollar Industry

Many Americans have no idea just how bad the sex trafficking industry has become. As the title of this article indicates, it is a billion dollar industry. Many feel that it is more of an international issue rather than an issue that plagues the United States. However, the number of individuals forced into the sex trafficking industry right here in the United States is staggering. The more one researches these … [Read more...]
US ‘Allies’ Turn to Moscow?

New Zeal If you work on the basis, as I do, that Barack Obama is pro-Moscow (mentors like communist Frank Marshall Davis and Soviet agent of influence Alice Palmer) this makes perfect sense. From Israel's Arutz Sheva: Russian President Vladimir Putin called King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on Sunday, according to Al Arabiya. The overture hints that Saudi Arabia, like Egypt, is poised to shift alliances … [Read more...]
BFD-Day: The Obamacare Congress Revisited (warning, graphic)

March 21, 2010 - when the zombie herd overran Washington D.C. Led by their walker princess, Nancy the Hammer BFD-Day in Congress Nancy, you can keep your plan, though you couldn't keep your doctor Original photo, Charles Dharapak (AP) and he took this one too, poor fellow, same day: Lavender blue, dilly, dilly... CAW..! CAW..! Those aren't vampire … [Read more...]
The Weimar Two-Step – Ex-Fed Is Sorry for QE Cross-Posted at Right Wing News You're sorry? Really? Well, I guess that makes it all okay that you've destroyed the greatest and freest nation and her economy that the earth has ever seen. All forgiven - not. In the end, there will be plenty of tar and feathers to go around. Apology not accepted: There's a real question as to whether the massive bond-buying program known as quantitative … [Read more...]
Trans-Pacific Partnership, Agenda 21 & Redistribution of Wealth via EO & Cap & Trade

Yet another grand decision by this administration, in which the United States Congress has had no say, is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The treaty is known as “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the nations that are reported to be involved in the development of this treaty include the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia. Opponents … [Read more...]
Update: Which Smokin’ Barry Picture is Totally Legit (if either)?

Original Posting: November 12, 12:19am, scroll down for updates I sent this to a few friends and thought I'd make a bigger thing of it, in case someone has expert technology or eyes. Can you or someone you know ascertain the entire caption to sadistic cannibal Idi Amin's picture, on the wall with Drain Bamaged Barry? Of course the integrity of the image should be verified and one would like to know from … [Read more...]
A Warning from Ret. Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin Hat Tip: Dick Manasseri -----GB----- Gulag Note Previously featured at: … [Read more...]
Feds Get Ready To Seize More Land Hat Tip: Carol Ray Cross-Posted at Right Wing News Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says she may recommend that President Obama act unilaterally to create new national monuments if Congress remains gridlocked. She recently visited some sites in California. (Dan Joling / Associated Press / September 3, 2013) It's the Marxist nationalization of America, one acre at a time. The government is … [Read more...]
Veterans Day Heroes

I am saddened this Veterans Day as I think about the freedoms we are losing in this country because of the Administration that is currently in the White House. We are losing freedoms that our military veterans have valiantly fought and defended for more than two hundred years so that all in this country could remain free. It is especially heartbreaking to see how this Administration has and is continuing to … [Read more...]
A Road Map for Cooperation to Destroy Israel Cross-Posted at Right Wing News It would seem the French have scuttled the Iran deal -- briefly, much to John Kerry's and Barack Obama's chagrin. Kerry is woefully and angrily stating that the Iran nuclear deal has collapsed and Iran has stomped off into the Islamic weeds. Wahhh! But never fear -- Progressive Kerry is here to wreck the day! He'll be back finishing what he started on November … [Read more...]
Weekly Featured Profile – Rhys Scholes Rhys Scholes is a Portland, Oregon activist and local government official.He is the Communications Policy Director for Multnomah County Chair Ted Wheeler. Scholes went to high school in Decatur, Georgia and was involved in the anti-Vietnam movement. The Socialist Workers Party and the Young Socialists Alliance were organizing primarily around Emory University. As a high school student, Scholes … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon Interviewed by Ginni Thomas of the Daily Caller

New Zeal See videos here... Trevor Loudon, an author and blogger from New Zealand who has spoken to over 200 tea party groups in 30 states, decried the “normalcy bias” that blinds Americans from seeing a future America without liberty, the Constitution and military strength in an interview with The Daily Caller. “When you grow up like that [with a strong national history], you think it’s going to go on … [Read more...]
‘Take Back America Cruise’ – Sail Hawaii with Trevor Loudon, Tom Deweese, Tami Jackson, Doug Johnson & Bill Post

New Zeal Come cruise with true conservatives and learn what you can do to TAKE BACK AMERICA! February 22 - March 1, 2014 People talk about it. People have rallies about it. People write books about it. But with all the ideas about what we should do, no one tells you how to do it. NOT ANYMORE! The TAKE BACK AMERICA CRUISE will give you concrete information you can use to take back America. You’ll be … [Read more...]
Sen. Ted Cruz on Disabilities Treaty Cruz Explains Why Americans with Disabilities Will Not Benefit from U.N. Disabilities Treaty … [Read more...]
The Cross – Billy Graham’s Message To America

askmarion Evangelist Billy Graham delivered what is being dubbed his final “sermon” to America on Thursday night. Through a special video broadcast called “My Hope America,” Graham warned that the nation is in “great need of a spiritual awakening” and that he has wept over how far the nation has moved away from God. Evangelist Billy Graham (Credit: AP Photo/Nell Redmond, File) The video, which is … [Read more...]
Obama Says No More Healthcare… No More Choice

It has been an out in the open, an open “secret” for years. Except for the now-reported disclosures of the inveigling lies issuing forth from the deceitful mouth of Barack Hussein Obama, it might never have been apparent to those who have worshiped this patent usurper. But, now more and more who believed in and voted for Dictator-in-Chief Obama are finally experiencing a harsh awakening to truth. He has lied to … [Read more...]
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