Brother can you spare a billion? Thank you, Common American Journal Caution, of course: foul neo-Marxist language Posing as Banker, James O’Keefe Finds Anti-Capitalist Protesters Looking for Some Venture Capital at #OccupyWallStreet 10/11/2011Independent filmmaker James O’Keefe dressed as a Wall Street Banker and spoke with anti-capitalist protesters at “Occupy Wall Street.” Some of the … [Read more...]
‘Constitutional World Federation’ eh? James O’Keefe Stings Entrepreneurial Marxists at #OWS
Congressional Investigation of Planned Parenthood Covered by Jill Stanek
By Jill Stanek In September 28, 2011 (1 of 2) Congressional investigation of Planned Parenthood: What to expect Yesterday came the welcome news that a congressional committee has launched an investigation of Planned Parenthood. Republican Congressman Cliff Stearns (pictured right), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (under the Energy & Commerce … [Read more...]
TRAIN Bill, H.R. 2401, Big EPA & Agenda-21 Vote in U.S. House Today
Frankly, this is something to which we few and not necessarily proud of the Bound should have been paying much more attention. One may find out about it at and in the video below, "July 8, 2011 - Energy and Power Subcommittee Markup on H.R. 2401 (TRAIN Act)." That is what it is called to this date. And one may still have time to contact one's U.S. Representative. The bill seeks to generate … [Read more...]
The Tea Parties: Organizers & Operators
Kelleigh Nelson's Tea Party series, parts 3 & 4 Parts 1 & 2: "The Tea Parties and the Jealous Power and Money" dealt with attempted big-money subversion by transnationalist tycoons, including David Koch and operations in controlled opposition by the Rockefeller family. - G u l a g - B o u n d - "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the … [Read more...]
Any Questions on Agenda 21 in Tonight’s GOP Presidential Debate?
All ears.... I know I offered a question to CNN Politics. Here is my submission for tonight's debate: Which of you knows about Agenda 21's assault on American Sovereignty and property rights and which of you has the courage to lead Americans against it? (And, do you have the courage to ask?) Agenda 21 Tag in Gulag Bound We speak of the Cloward-Piven strategy and the plan for our economic … [Read more...]
The Tea Parties and the Jealous Power and Money
Kelleigh Nelson’s Tea Party series, parts 1 & 2 Parts 3 & 4: “The Tea Parties: Organizers & Operators“ scrutinizes the professional movers, shakers, shepherds, and gatekeepers of nationwide Tea Party enterprises. ------GB------ July 29, 2011, 11:05 am CT "It is a known fact that the policies of the government today, whether Republican or Democrat are closer to the 1932 platform of the Communist … [Read more...]
‘Sustainable Development’ Explained
What could be bad about 'sustainability'? Listen to this column online To ordinary people, the word sustainable is an adjective that means the activity the word describes can continue forever. For example, since biblical days, farmers practiced sustainable agriculture by leaving their fields fallow every seventh year. In early America, farmers knew that for agriculture to be sustainable, the same crop could not be … [Read more...]
Checklist: America Meets 90% of Karl Marx’s Demands
Article by Kirk Elliott, Ph.D., originally appearing at WorldNetDaily A Call to Action The church needs to wake up and become active. We really need to become like a modern day Dietrich Bonhoffer, who spoke the truth in the midst of relentless opposition and persecution in Nazi controlled Germany. Gandhi once said that, "If all Christians acted like Christ the whole world would be Christians." Gulp! … [Read more...]
Update, on Radio Tonight: N.Y. Times Cites 3 ‘Conservative’ Financiers, Principle Backers of New York ‘Gay Marriage’
Original post, June 28, 2011, 2:07pm CT: Corruption is corruption is corruption. From the New York Times via Yahoo, emphasis the bound's The Financiers Who Helped Back N.Y. Gay Marriage Campaign Much of the attention around the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York has revolved around the back-room politicking involved: the deals, the cajoling, the organizing. But as The New York Times reported … [Read more...]
Updated: Look Who’s Buying Up Flood Ravaged Farm Land
June 26, 2011 - 8:42am CT Published by Andrea Shea King at Radio Patriot Who’s buying up flood ravaged farm land Double Red Alert Posted by Ann Barnhardt – June 24, AD 2011 9:01 AM MST Missouri River Flooding Cattle commodities broker Ann writes: Two HUGE intel leads in my email box this morning from way-back contacts that I’ve had for years, that are actually somewhat connected concepts. 1. File … [Read more...]
Meet Michele Bachmann
The time is March, 2009. The place is the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services. Being questioned are Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke. Video, "AIG Hearing with Geithner & Bernanke" Not an endorsement, per se, call it a reintroduction to any who have found it difficult to hear past the din of propaganda, obfuscation, and weak personal attack from the Marxstream Media. Brought to you by Tallulah … [Read more...]
Germany’s E-Coli Outbreak Investigations Indicate ‘The Plague’ DNA
Nature or nurture? Meanwhile, back in the banksters' own Switzerland, news surrounds the latest Bilderberger meeting, where a remnant of Western Civilization is in an uproar over Henry Kissinger's words and the authoritarian globalist elite's overall goal of decreasing the world's population. More on that in a bit; subjects for scrutiny, all. Reported in Der Spiegel: The Hunt for the Source of Germany's E. … [Read more...]
Propaganda! America’s Enemies Attack US Defense Spending
New Zeal Propaganda channel Russia Today is a tool of America’s greatest enemy, the Russian intelligence service. Here Russia Today attacks US defense spending, in the wake of retiring Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ responsible warning against potentially disastrous Defense budget cuts. Note the comments by John Feffer of the Institute for Policy Studies, an organization once described as the “perfect … [Read more...]
Greek Communists Organize Demonstrations “Like Those Which Are Taking Place in Spain”
New Zeal From the Greek Communist Party (KKE) website: A Planned People’s Struggle is Necessary “The large majority of the workers, of the people must declare this to the power of capital: We do not believe whatever you tell us. We are regrouping to win small and big battles and ultimately the war.” Aleka Papariga stressed this amongst other things when speaking to a mass and dynamic rally of the KKE on … [Read more...]
The Egyptian Disease Spreads to Europe
New Zeal From Cuba’s Prensa Latina: Greece witnessed on Monday another day of protests against further cuts that the Government intends to implement in exchange for the rescue package of the European Union and the IMF. Convened by the unions, hundreds of workers from the OTE telecommunications company took to the streets on Monday to reject the privatization plans that the adjustment … [Read more...]
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