We must do everything in our power to reelect our remarkable president. This election is our last stand to save America as founded. America is counting on you. - Last published words of Lloyd Marcus My patriotic mood began while rewatching Whitney Houston’s spectacular performance of our National Anthem at Super Bowl XXV in 1991. Whitney’s rendition was re-released as a single after the 9/11 … [Read more...]
‘Last Stand to Save America As Founded’ – Last Words of Lloyd Marcus
Anarchists and Trump’s Reelection
Originally published June 28, 2020 A longtime white friend phoned me to talk him down from the cliff. He is concerned about how the new racial hatred dominating our country will impact his grandkids. For the first time, he and his wife believe they should purchase a gun for home protection. This headline confirms my friend’s instinct to arm himself to protect his family. “BEWARE: The Woke Mob is Targeting You … [Read more...]
Lloyd Marcus: Trump’s July 4th Birthday Gift to America [Speech Video Included]
By: Lloyd Marcus President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech was extremely important for two reasons: 1. Trump gave terrified corporations permission to stop groveling to BLM. Fake news media are masters of illusion. Their celebratory reporting deceived corporations into believing that a majority of Americans support Black Lives Matter’s absurd demands. Therefore, corporations … [Read more...]
Stop Pandering to Leftists’ Systemic Racism ‘Big Lie’
By: Lloyd Marcus Folks, I realize many of you are going through the same range of emotions as I am as I watch leftists’ full-blown war on our country. One part of me wants to produce a YouTube video in which I scream at all the idiots pandering to the scumbag hate groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter. The other part of me says, Lloyd, you must remain calm and simply deliver … [Read more...]
Black Lives Matter at War with America
By: Lloyd Marcus Outrageously, cowardly and traitorous politicians are allowing Black Lives Matter, a racist hate group to engage in an “Everything Must Go” fire-sale against America. BLM is literally pulling down monuments and demanding that large portions of our history be removed from the records. They are burning down homes that dare fly the U.S. flag. They are taking control of portions of cities, … [Read more...]
Disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media
By: Lloyd Marcus Dear American Family: For decades, my black family and friends have viewed me as the weirdo who votes for Republicans. At our annual family Christmas gathering a few years before he died, my dad, Dr. Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, instructed them to follow me as the new leader. I heard through the grapevine that most of them disapprove of my politics. At family events, I am … [Read more...]
This Black American Deems Floyd Protests Unnecessary
By: Lloyd Marcus As a black American, Democrats and fake news media demand that I agree with the George Floyd protests. I say the protests are unnecessary and are totally politically motivated. The American people of all races including President Trump have expressed their outrage over the wrongful death of Mr. Floyd. The officer who killed Mr. Floyd has been charged with murder. The three officers who … [Read more...]
Deliver Us from Evil Democrats
By: Lloyd Marcus Despite 30 million Americans losing their jobs, domestic violence, and suicides on the rise, Democrats and fake news media are terrifying Americans into believing the lockdown must continue. These evil people are fully committed to using the coronavirus to stop Trump’s reelection. I scratch my head thinking, “Don’t these wacko leftists realize that if they destroy America, their livelihood … [Read more...]
The Internal Battle for America
By: Lloyd Marcus America! “I want you to get up right now and go to the window…open it and stick your head out and yell, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore!” That is from the 1976 movie, Network. It is the appropriate response to totalitarian governors, hellbent on keeping their constituents in lock-down bondage to further their anti-Trump … [Read more...]
Coronavirus and the Horrors of Democrat Control
Mary and I live in a tiny town in West Virginia. Our grocery shopping options are 26 miles away in Maryland and 45 miles away in Virginia. Maryland stores refused to allow us to enter because we did not have masks. We drove to Virginia. It was refreshing seeing Virginians free to wear masks or not. I noticed that the majority of shoppers wearing masks were young people. Do they believe fake news media more than we … [Read more...]
Time to Join the Rebellion
By: Lloyd Marcus Democrats and fake news media hate Donald Trump and believe that no price is too high to remove him from the White House. They plan to keep filling Americans with bogus fear about the coronavirus to keep the country shut down all the way to the November election. They do not give a rat’s derrière about the shutdown causing 22 million people and climbing to lose their … [Read more...]
Conservative Media Killing Operation Mockingbird
While I was visiting a relative, CBS evening news was on TV in the background. It felt like water torture hearing arrogant reporters authoritatively lie about president Trump and every political issue. Their deceptive message was: Republicans are mean and Democrats are good. Incredibly, 95% of the broadcast was fake news. Could I escape being bombarded with fake news in my car? No. Every news break on the radio … [Read more...]
First Lady Dissed by Wimpy Snowflakes in Baltimore
Lloyd Marcus First Lady Melania Trump was booed by students when she spoke at an opioid awareness summit in Baltimore. Snowflake adults said the students were justified because Melania’s husband hurt their feelings by saying bad things about their city. Folks, this infuriated me. I am so sick of snowflake adults who create dumbed-down, brain-dead, wimpy snowflake youths. Taught to believe they are … [Read more...]
Trump is 100% On His Game
By: Lloyd Marcus I thank God that President Trump is not like other Republicans. It truly amazes me that many high-profile conservatives and Republicans still wish Trump would dial it back, not be so confrontational, and behave more presidentially. I feel like saying, “Are you guys nuts? Have you not been paying attention?” Desperate times require desperate measures. Donald Trump is God’s perfect man in the … [Read more...]
Why Trump Is The Black Voters’ Clear Choice In 2020
By: Lloyd Marcus A rabbi once said that one of the reasons why Jews have prospered despite being the most persecuted people on the planet is that Jews never view themselves as victims. This powerful truth hit me like a ton of bricks. From as far back as I can remember, Democrats have deceived blacks by drilling the lie into their heads that they are victims of eternally racist America. Insidiously, … [Read more...]
Calling All Rosa Parks Americans
By: Lloyd Marcus The insanity going on before our very eyes regarding the Democrats’ and fake news medias’ latest campaign to impeach Trump over nonsense is infuriating millions of Americans. It is the equivalent of Adam Schiff flooding the airwaves with the lie that Trump stole his car and must be impeached for it. Meanwhile, Schiff’s car is parked untouched in his driveway for all the world to see. Ignoring … [Read more...]
President Trump, All The Way Live!
By: Lloyd Marcus Brother and sister Americans, we witnessed a new level of President Trump being himself at his remarkable, energizing, inspiring, and unifying rallies in Minnesota and Louisiana. Democrats have had a lock on connecting with voters emotionally using their fake compassion, cruelly using people as props. Republicans are sorely lacking in striking an emotional chord with … [Read more...]
The Frightened Old Woman with her Trump 2020 Flag
By: Lloyd Marcus Scouting a location to shoot a promotional video for my Trump Train 2020 song, my wife Mary and I spotted a lovely home with a huge Trump 2020 flag waving in the breeze on a flagpole. After knocking on the front door and introducing myself, I assured the elderly white homeowner that we would not show her address in our video. Still, she declined our request to allow Mary to shoot video … [Read more...]
For The Soul of America, “Shifty” Schiff Must Go
By: Lloyd Marcus Folks, I don’t know about you, but I am extremely annoyed. I grew up believing in Superman’s America which stood for truth, justice and the American way. But when I see blatantly corrupt politician Adam Schiff in charge of a bogus investigation to impeach our obviously innocent president, something has gone terribly wrong in our country. My heart is heavy for my beloved country and the rule of … [Read more...]
The Purge of Conservatism from America
By: Lloyd Marcus At the hospital for my annual physical exam, Adam Schiff was on TV in the waiting room. Schiff presented himself as alerting the American people to the “mafia boss” outrageous impeachable demands Trump made during his phone call with the president of Ukraine. Oozing with obnoxious superiority and arrogance, Schiff insidiously deceived viewers to assume he was reciting Trump’s actual words from … [Read more...]
Do Democratic Loyalists Really Know their Party?
By: Lloyd Marcus Do you find yourself scratching your head wondering why your intelligent, moral, and Christian relatives and friends continue to support the Democratic party despite its amoral, anti-Christian, and anti-American agenda? A part of the problem is that for decades Republicans and conservatives have brought an olive branch to a gunfight, allowing progressives free rein to demonize Republicans … [Read more...]
Democrats and the Media Seek to Divide Americans
By: Lloyd Marcus Watching this year’s 9/11 remembrances on TV, it was heartwarming to hear commentators repeatedly use “we” and “our” when referring to Americans and America. Commentators said that on September 11, 2001, “our” country was viciously attacked by Islamist terrorists. They said, “we” came together as a nation. A WWII vet said the unity of our nation on 9/11 felt the same to him as it did during … [Read more...]
All Aboard Trump Train 2020!
By: Lloyd Marcus Jerry Marcusby Mary Parker Marcus Hello America. The recording session for my Trump Train 2020 song could not have gone better. If you remember, my music producer is based in Baltimore. I asked him to gather singers to form a choir for the recording of the song. He reported back to me that all the singers he knows do not support Trump or are passionately against him. This prompted me to … [Read more...]
Heads Up, America: North Carolina Special Election Matters
By: Lloyd Marcus Though I love her dearly, my wife Mary interrupts my peaceful morning cup of coffee by reading me disturbing headlines on her phone. “Court rules Idaho must give transgender inmate gender surgery.” Thank God the Republican governor, in essence, said it will be a cold day in hell before his state pays for the convicted sex offender’s “reassignment” … [Read more...]
How We Re-Elect Trump in 2020
By: Lloyd Marcus Democrats, fake news media, and Hollywood are desperate to block Trump’s reelection in 2020. Their problem is that Trump has been awesome for America. Our economy is booming. Blacks, Latinos, and women are experiencing unprecedented prosperity as Trump continues to restore power back to We the People. Trump’s swiftly growing list of achievements towards making America great again is … [Read more...]
Pocahontas’ Presidential Run Should Be Over
By: Lloyd Marcus While driving on a beautiful day in West Virginia, I heard this news reported over my car radio. Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said Michael Brown was “murdered” by a “white” policeman in Ferguson, Mo. I became filled with anger. I thought, “This wicked woman’s presidential run should be over.” Everyone knows Brown was shot while assaulting a police officer in his … [Read more...]
A Resurgence of Old-School Courageous Americans
By: Lloyd Marcus Following the horrific El Paso and Dayton shootings, I boycotted media. As expected, Democrats and fake news media were despicably giddy, thrilled for another opportunity to push for disarming law-abiding gun owners and falsely demonizing Trump and his supporters. I boycotted media because was I could not stomach wimpy Republicans and #NeverTrumpers running to microphones to surrender to … [Read more...]
El Paso Shooting: Latest Atrocity Exploited By Democrats
By: Lloyd Marcus My prayers and heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of the El Paso mall shooting. The gunman posted a manifesto. One of the issues that angered the gunman is illegal immigration. Democrats and fake news media will jump on this like white on rice. Despicably, they will launch a bogus narrative that the gunman is a typical Trump voter, driven to … [Read more...]
Baltimore: Charm City Gone Terribly Wrong
By: Lloyd Marcus As a black man who grew up in Baltimore, I am delighted that President Trump had the courage to shine the national spotlight on the failed Democrat-controlled city. Baltimore is a mess, as is every city infected with Democrats’ extreme leftist ideology. In response to Trump’s tweet exposing the moral sickness of Baltimore, Democrats and their fake news media buddies are scrambling for … [Read more...]
Leftists’ Effective Dirty Trick
By: Lloyd Marcus I heard another black pastor’s sermon attacking Trump while listening to Christian radio with earbuds on my phone during my daily walk. He said that President Trump’s MAGA slogan does not include all Americans. He bitterly asked his congregation, “When was America ever great?” As a proud grateful black American, I thought, “One of numerous occasions in which America was great was when … [Read more...]
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