By: Renee Nal New Zeal "Now that more people live in cities across the planet than do not, it is imperative that this revolutionary change in attitude occurs rapidly." - Author David Thorpe, from his article "There's a $90 Trillion Plan to Rid the World's Cities of Cars" Former Vice President Al Gore and former Mexican President Felipe Calderon have been roundly mocked for their vision to separate citizens … [Read more...]
Search Results for: Agenda 21
Agenda 21: Obama Commits to Helping India Build ‘Smart Cities’ (video incl.)
By: Renee Nal New Zeal During his trip to India, President Obama declared America's commitment to "help design smart cities" and "bullet trains" in the country. The main selling point for "smart cities" is that they are "sustainable," a vague but applauded term that often used in context of combating what this author strongly believes is a non-existent problem: man-made climate change. During a speech at … [Read more...]
Wildlands Project, Agenda 21, and its Future Enforcers (hardly just the #BundyRanch)
In order to understand the rational behind what has taken place at the Bundy Ranch in Clark County, Nevada, it is vital to understand some of the mindset behind it. The United Nations now has a great deal of control over what happens in United States' land, largely but not only federal ownership and/or control. What we are seeing is an international body now governing over many parts of the U.S. It … [Read more...]
Trans-Pacific Partnership, Agenda 21 & Redistribution of Wealth via EO & Cap & Trade
Yet another grand decision by this administration, in which the United States Congress has had no say, is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The treaty is known as “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the nations that are reported to be involved in the development of this treaty include the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia. Opponents … [Read more...]
Upshot of Agenda 21’s Rio +20 Conference: Lord Christopher Monckton Reports
In preparation for an interview about Agenda 21, last night, on Robert Letter's "Bards' Logic" program (archived and streamable) I had to revisit June's Rio +20 conference. I had to revisit it in part, because it seemed to end with a whimper, not a bang and I just hadn't caught any significant upshot. We may run a more expansive review of that 20-year anniversary conference of Agenda 21's 1992 summit, but the … [Read more...]
On Agenda 21, Arlen Williams Guest on ‘Bards Logic Political Talk’ Tonight
It will be Arlen's privilege to join Robert L. Jetter, Jr. on his BlogTalkRadio program, tonight. The "Bards Logic Political Talk" netcast begins at 8pm ET, 5pm PT. (If one uses phone instead of streaming and/or Skype, the call in Number is 347-945-7428.) They will be keeping tabs on Agenda 21, from the basics to the latest, including the Rio +20 summit just concluded. Also to be discussed is the Sovereignty … [Read more...]
Key Video: City Council Hearing on ICLEI in Agenda 21’s Ground War
The following came careening to the Gulag yesterday by tweet of contributor @OhSuzyQz. It is a video of warfare against America being countered. Caveat: its producer, Anthony J. Hilder (@anthonyjhilder) is one of the more controversial and sensationalist of those unafraid of the moniker "conspiracy theorist." We view some of his work, including his allegations against certain Zionists, without favor. But Mr. … [Read more...]
Four Heroes Countering Agenda 21’s Ecofascist Warfare
Gulag Bulletin - See: America’s Most Critical Political Issue: Sovereignty Gulag Bound is a newbie on the scene. We came about on July 4, 2010. Granted, those involved in our research, development, and presentations have been around numerous blocks (and quite a few blocs) and numerous times. We do follow in the footsteps of heroes. (The common phrase ends in "giants," but we recognize no uberhumans. Even … [Read more...]
Agenda 21 Treaty on the Horizon
Gulag Bulletin - See: America’s Most Critical Political Issue: Sovereignty While liberal journalists continue to claim that Agenda 21 is just a "conspiracy theory" being advanced by right-wing crackpots, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the International Council for Environmental Law (ICEL) have released their fourth Draft of the International Covenant on Environment … [Read more...]
Who’s Right about Agenda 21?
Gulag Bulletin - See: America’s Most Critical Political Issue: Sovereignty More and more local communities are rising up to oppose local comprehensive land use plans and local ordinances because they claim the policies contained in the documents reflect the recommendations found in the U.N.'s Agenda 21, which result in the loss of property rights and individual freedom. Consequently, proponents of … [Read more...]
Lord Christopher Monkton on Agenda 21 and Environmental Marxism
Christopher Monckton, to be more precise New Zeal Must view! Thanks to Kyle. … [Read more...]
City Council Awakens to Agenda 21 Evil and Defeats It
NoisyRoom The City of Colfax, CA reportedly defeated UN Agenda 21 by a 4-0 vote and passed Resolution No. 12-2012. Ken Delfino, one of the City Councilmen, reportedly wrote a letter describing what he learned about UN Agenda 21 and urges others to educate themselves about it too. You can help by sending these three items of information to your City Council Members. If they’re uninterested, be sure to … [Read more...]
Gingrich, Paul, Romney & Santorum on Agenda 21 vs. U.S. Sovereignty
Update of "GOP Presidential Candidates on Agenda 21 'Sustainable Development'" (1/12/2012) further information provided, other candidates eliminatedWill 2012 be the year America succumbs to global neo-Marxism? The Ground War in Your Neighborhood - Where do they Stand? Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating … [Read more...]
Romney, Agenda 21 Quisling, for Americans Fighting for our Sovereignty?
A post SuperTuesday song We need a great deal of prayer, and the voters, a huge dose of revelation. Now we have the Marxstream media and GOP machinists imploring Republican voters to endorse the habitually lying, conniving globalista, and bankster-fascist, Mitt Romney, to end the process early. It reminds me of the scene in Braveheart where the torturer asks Wallace if he would like to recant, for his final … [Read more...]
Nancy Pelosi Pushes Agenda 21 On House Floor
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Darin Moser and Heather Gass What you are about to see in this video is Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spearheading HC Res 353 on the House floor to pursue United Nations (UN) Agenda 21. She calls out “Agenda 21” twice and clearly states that it is the “United Nations Sustainable Development” program. Advance to 11:43:30 on the video and watch until 11:51:48. Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY) … [Read more...]
ALERT: Agenda 21 to Gel into Global Control Mid 2013
The following is an email alert from Sovereignty activist Rosa Koire, on the rapid advancement of Agenda 21 in American neighborhoods and around the world. You are witnessing a plan that is taking place all across the United States NOW. It has many names but it’s the same plan. UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development: Sustainable Cities Strategy. It is a regional plan that creates unelected boards of elected … [Read more...]
GOP Presidential Candidates on Agenda 21 ‘Sustainable Development’
Will 2012 be the year America succumbs to global neo-Marxism? The Ground War in Your Neighborhood - Where do they Stand? Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating Americans' sacred and essential Popular and national Sovereignties. It has been happening for a long time, now. People who believe in a Sovereign … [Read more...]
Planning 101 is American, Planning 102 is Agenda 21 is anti-American
Click to listen to this article Local governments have two fundamental responsibilities: (1) protect the rights of the citizens; and (2) provide the services the citizens authorize. To meet these responsibilities, local elected officials must look to the future and anticipate what services their citizens may want, and construct plans to meet those needs. This kind of planning will be referred to as Planning … [Read more...]
Any Questions on Agenda 21 in Tonight’s GOP Presidential Debate?
All ears.... I know I offered a question to CNN Politics. Here is my submission for tonight's debate: Which of you knows about Agenda 21's assault on American Sovereignty and property rights and which of you has the courage to lead Americans against it? (And, do you have the courage to ask?) Agenda 21 Tag in Gulag Bound We speak of the Cloward-Piven strategy and the plan for our economic … [Read more...]
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