Thursday, 12/2 — 10pm-Midnight, EST… 7-9pm PST
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Gulag Night
Trevor Loudon reveals Mark Ritchie, Minnesota’s Secretary of State as a documented Communist collaborator and effectively, an agent of George Soros.
Ritchie is the man who led the overturning of the 2008 election results, replacing Norm Coleman with Al Franken, leftwing extremist comedian, as leading vote getter for U.S. Senator. (Nice joke, Minnesota.) Ritchie is now leading the recount in Minnesota’s 2010 gubernatorial election.
Trevor’s New Zeal blog:
KeyWiki documents the worldwide, subversive Marxist movement:
Carol Greenberg will join us. Carol has published numerous articles on the Soros Secretary of State Project, regarding Minnesota, plus other “battleground” states.
Carol’s Conservative Outlooks blog:
Anita MonCrief of Emerging Corruption (where articles on this subject matter are also published) will also join The Bound.
Call in with questions & comments — 310/807-5060
Join the Bound for another intel analysis in the Soft War waged by treasonous, Marxists seeking global empire — and especially control over your life, here in America.
The Gulag Crew: Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX, & Janet Smiles also join host, Arlen Williams; we look forward to your listening or calling.
G u l a g B o u n d
Pertinent Articles
From Trevor Loudon:
“Mark Ritchie’s Communist Party Connection Exposed; Trevor Loudon’s Mark Ritchie File 5”
Mark Ritchie File 1 here
Mark Ritchie File 2 here
Mark Ritchie File 3 here
Mark Ritchie File 4 here
From Carol Greenberg:
“‘The Dirty Dozen Minus Three’: The Secretary of State Project”
“Soros-funded Missouri SoS Robin Carnahan needs to be trampled in Senate race”
“Soros ordains hopeful ‘successor’ to OH SoS Brunner + more corrupt networks”
On ActBlue, which raises funds for the Soros SoS Project…
“You thought we just had to deal with OFA? Enter ‘ActBlue’”
“Dem on-line fundraiser ActBlue ‘lies’ when they say Soros never gave them money”
Her latest on Mark Ritchie…
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