Marxist George Soros Plays His Hand, Reveals Vision

Blogged by editors at Foreign Policy:

Soros: China has better functioning government than U.S.

If nothing else, Glenn Beck probably has his top story set for tonight’s show:

“There is a really remarkable, rapid shift of power and influence from the United States to China,” Mr. Soros said, likening the U.S.’s decline to that of the U.K. after the Second World War.

Because global economic power is shifting, Mr. Soros said China needs to change its focus. “China has risen very rapidly by looking out for its own interests,” he said. “They have now got to accept responsibility for world order and the interests of other people as well.”

Mr. Soros even went so far as to say that at times China wields more power than the U.S. because of the political gridlock in Washington. “Today China has not only a more vigorous economy, but actually a better functioning government than the United States,” he said, a hard statement for him to make because he spent much of his life donating to anti-communist groups in Eastern Europe.

continues here

To a Nazi collaborator, morals don’t matter; it’s all about utility, what “works.”  To a human being, a government that forcibly kills babies days before birth, imprisons pastors for preaching the Gospel, enslaves millions of citizens… well that’s not what would be considered a “well functioning” government.

Remember, when you hear that George Soros participated in freeing Eastern Europe from Communism, as events are evidence, so did Russia’s Communists.  It was but one step to take for the long Marxist march of global “evolution” and global Marxism has advanced greatly, since.  Sometimes you have to give a little, to gain a lot, as Sun Tzu taught.

Gulag Note: Trevor Loudon, researcher and outer of global Marxists will join us on Gulag Night, tomorrow, Thursday 11/18, at 10pm-Midnight, ET.   Topic: putting George Soros into communist context.  Hear how Marxism is seem from the top of the tower.  Visit this page for more, or to listen/participate: (link).

More information from the Times of India:

BEIJING: A pregnant woman in south China was detained, beaten and forced to have an abortion just a month before her due date because the baby would have violated the country’s one-child limit , her husband said on Thursday.

Construction worker Luo Yanquan said his wife was taken kicking and screaming from their home by more than a dozen people on October 10 and detained in a clinic for three days by family planning officials, then taken to a hospital and injected with a drug that killed her baby.

Read more here.

Meanwhile back at the Soros Ranch from usACTIONews:
Soros Calls Huddle of Leftist Billionaires 

Formed in 2005 as a way for leftist millionaires to pool their funds to push the leftist agenda, the Democracy Alliance has funded millions of dollars to hundreds of leftist groups. They are meeting again today (11-15-10).

Billionaire George Soros who funds hundreds of leftist groups through his Open Society Institute was in attendance as well as Peter B. Lewis the Board Chairman  of Progressive Insurance. Together Soros and Lewis teamed up to match each others gifts to America Coming Together ($10 million) and ($2.5 million). That’s why its called ‘Progressive’ Insurance.

While America Coming Together ceased operations in 2005 it and are typical of the type of groups this gang funds.

Extensive background on the groups can be found at Discover the

On America Coming Together:

America Coming Together (ACT) organized the Democratic Party’s Government Union wing, which is represented by such leftist labor unions as the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and AFSCME. ACT was one of the 33 “progressive” member organizations constituting the America Votes coalition. It was also a member group of the so-called Democrat Shadow Party, a nationwide network of non-profit activist groups pursuing leftist agendas and campaigning aggressively for Democrat political candidates.

The original President of ACT was Ellen Malcolm. The Chief Executive Officer was Steven Rosenthal. The Treasurer (and also a Board Member) was Carl Pope. The Assistant Treasurer was Brian Foucart. Other Board Members included Ellen Malcolm (also an Assistant Treasurer), Anne Bartley, Hillary Clinton, Gina Glantz, Rob Glaser, Jonathan Lewis, Rob McKay, Minyon Moore, Cecile Richards, Jonathan T. Soros, and Antonio Villaraigosa.

During the 2004 election, ACT ran what its website called “the largest voter contact program in history,” with over 1,400 full-time paid canvassers — many of whom were discovered to be felons convicted of violent crimes — as well as thousands of volunteers working from 55 offices, contacting voters door-to-door and by phone.

Article continues here.

h/t hammerman54

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