Video and text of Diana Larkin’s relayed words from the broadcast
Diana publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and “Diana Larkin” in and in YouTube.
Links to videos excerpted or referred in this video are listed at bottom
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Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we going?
Where have we been?
You have been made to feel like EXILES in your own Land. You were told by Leviathan that you were FEW and that the world was SCOFFING at you for what you BELIEVED and DECLARED based on your FAITH in Me. Those with darkened hearts told you, you were HELPLESS and HOPELESS. In the face of this evil ONSLAUGHT, you did not lay down your sword and you chose to BELIEVE Me and My PROMISES to you. Your voices have remained STRONG proclaiming My TRUTH and holding the ground of FREEDOM. Leviathan and those whose minds and hearts have been sucked into his agenda cannot believe that you are still FIGHTING and that their weapons of FEAR, INTIMIDATION, and MOCKING have not silenced you. They are the ones who are beginning to waver, to lose their CONFIDENCE, to LASH OUT even more recklessly. Their true MOTIVES are being displayed before the world, and their imminent EXPOSURE will cost many their freedom, as their LIES and BETRAYALS become public. In their place My FAITHFUL EXILES will lead and will secure this Nation as a stronghold for FREEDOM and TRUTH.”
ZEPHANIAH 3:17a, 19, 20 “The Lord your God is in your midst, a Warrior who saves…Behold, at that time I am going to deal with all your oppressors; I will save the lame and gather the scattered, and I will turn their shame into praise and renown in every land. At that time, I will bring you in, yes, at the time I gather you together; for I will make you a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes (and freedom) before your eyes, says the Lord.”
“You have learned that the enemy long ago established widespread, deeply entrenched evil plans to RULE, DOMINATE, and DESTROY the people and the world that I created and that it has woven itself into every part of your society. Those partnered with evil have felt safe because of this WEB OF DECEPTION that is everywhere and so they have continued in their GREED, ARROGANCE, and
DARKENED HEARTS. If you look with only human eyes, this network of evil can seem OVERWHELMING and UNBEATABLE. The enemy isn’t the only one who can be strategic—in fact, the ability to strategize came from Me. I have been building a mighty ARMY OF LIGHT—some individuals, some small groups, and some larger hubs. I AM now moving to draw this Army into a UNIFIED VOICE and ACTION. When they arise, their light will BLIND the enemy and those partnered with him, and it will EXPOSE all the deep darkness they are involved in. This Army of Light is bound together with My LOVE, which is a source of LIFE and a GREAT FORCE against the darkness. Those in darkness are only bound together by their GROSS SIN, their HATRED of good, and their goal of DESTRUCTION. These things will CRUMBLE as My love and light INVADE their darkness. My JUSTICE is part of My love, and they will receive the FULL WEIGHT of it which will produce PEACE and PROSPERITY for the rest of the world who choose My Kingdom ways. It is My desire that those who fall under My justice repent and turn away from darkness. However, time is up for the corrupt, and I AM declaring, ‘LET MY PEOPLE GO!’ This is your day of DELIVERANCE and FREEDOM.
“Well done Army of Light! Your FAITH-FILLED, INFLAMED spiritual warfare helped EXPOSE and PREVENT many planned terror attacks for yesterday’s observance of the attack on your Nation. You allowed Me to EMPOWER you and you OBEYED My call to SUPPORT My Host and to PUSH BACK darkness. Today there are many PERPLEXED and ANXIOUS dark spiritual powers and darkened people who are trying to figure out who or what exposed and defeated their ugly schemes. Understand and value the POWER of the LIGHT that dwells within you and continue to faithfully partner with Me in DEFEATING darkness in your Land. In the coming days I will be exposing that the attack on your Nation was an inside job. A cry will go up from the people for JUSTICE to be served. As justice goes forth, your Naton will find HEALING and COMFORT for this wound inflicted on them by evil. A RESOLVE will arise to keep these evil powers at bay and out of positions of leadership and influence. JUSTICE, TRUTH, and RIGHTEOUSNESS are powerful forces that DEFEAT darkness and ESTABLISH a blessed Nation.”
To the wicked: PROVERBS 1:31 “Therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their own (wicked) way and be satiated with (the penalty of) their own devices.”
To the righteous: ISAIAH 3:10 “Say to the righteous that it will go well with them, for they will eat the fruit of their (righteous) actions.”
Where are we now?
“I AM calling you to WORSHIP IN THE DARK—during this season of UNKNOWNS and UNFULFILLED PROMISES. This is the HIGHEST form of worship and trust in Me to declare My GOODNESS, My POWER, and My FAITHFULNESS before you see My promises come into the light. This kind of sacrificial worship (when everything around you screams for you to be afraid and to doubt Me) builds a stronghold of SAFETY and BLESSING for you to hide in until the new day dawns and you see all My promises fulfilled before your very eyes. WORSHIP IN THE DARK will create more light and hope inside of you, and you will find your CONFIDENCE in Me soaring. You will SHINE this light and hope everywhere you go, and it will affect the atmosphere. Your WORSHIP IN THE DARK is a mighty weapon of warfare, and it is WEARING DOWN and PUSHING OVER the schemes of evil and destruction. It is creating a HIGHWAY for My promises to come to you and to your Nation. WORSHIP IN THE DARK until you see My promises fulfilled in the LIGHT.”
PSALM 149:5-9 “Let true lovers break out in praise, sing out from wherever they’re sitting, shout the high praises of God, brandish their swords in the wild sword-dance—a portent of vengeance on the God-defying nations, a signal that punishment’s coming, their kings chained and hauled off to jail, their leaders behind bars for good, their judgment on them carried out to the letter—and all who love God in the seat of honor! Hallelujah!”
“I AM birthing a RESISTANCE in peoples’ hearts against the rising TYRANNY and CONTROL the darkness is trying to push into place. The darkness is desperately trying to TAKE CONTROL before their CORRUPTION and GREED is exposed, they have gone too far and pushed too fast to try and establish COMPLETE CONTROL over peoples’ lives. To COUNTERACT these evil-schemers, I have released a powerful move of RESISTANCE among My people and even among those who do not know Me yet but who value TRUTH and FREEDOM. This RESISTANCE will take many forms including both NATURAL and SPIRITUAL. In the natural there will be a SPEAKING OUT against bad policies, laws, and mandates and a refusal to comply with the darkness. In the spiritual realm, I will INSPIRE powerful WARFARE intercession that PUSHED BACK and takes AUTHORITY over the plans and schemes of the enemy and brings them CRASHING DOWN. Your RESISTANCE, inspired by Me, will help CLEAR THE WAY for REVIVAL and REFORMATION. Let it begin!”
PSALM 46:7, 8 “Here He comes! The Commander! The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side. The God of Jacob fights for us! Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For He brings both ruin and revival.”
“Your prayers, your warfare, and your worship are beginning to clear the atmosphere of DARKNESS, DELUSION, and DECEPTION that the enemy had been weaving (like a heavy SPIDER’S WEB) over your Nation as the Church slept. The more the atmosphere is CLEARED, the more TRUTH can be REVEALED and received by people. I have always had a REMNANT who were AWAKE and TUNED to Me, and it is this remnant who have fought VALIANTLY by My side in this war to defeat the LYING DARKNESS. A day will come when those around you will approach you with humility asking you for more truth and with thankfulness that you held the ground of truth. Don’t grow weary in this battle because I AM about to BREAKTHROUGH the remaining WEB OF DECEPTION with a SPIRIT of JUDGMENT and a SPIRIT OF BURNING. This huge reveal of truth will be TRAUMATIC and PAINFUL, and I want you to be APPROACHABLE, KIND, and HOPE-FILLED so that they have a safe place to come to for HEALING and further TRUTH. Well done, Remnant, for believing My words to you and for being willing to walk and fight in the GREATER GRACE that I supplied. Tune your heart to Mine so that you sing My song to the world.”
ISAIAH 4:4 (God highlighted the number “4” to me in a dream last night. 44=judgment of the world.) “When the Lord has washed away the (moral) filth of the daughters of Zion and has cleansed the bloodstains of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning,”
JAMES 4:6 “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore, it says, ‘God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Where are we going?
“I have the power to make a mountain, and I have the power to MOVE MOUNTAINS. Not only can I move mountains, I can also bring them completely down to a pile of rubble. Do you have some mountains that need MOVING or BRINGING DOWN? How about the mountain of WORRY and ANXIETY about the future, your finances, your freedoms? Are there mountains of LIES that were built by the enemy, and they now SEPARATE you from those who have trusted the lies? Is there a mountain of TYRANNY and ILLEGITIMATE authority in the way of you and your Nation pursuing life, liberty, and the pursuit of the goodness of life? I AM the ULTIMATE MOUNTAIN MOVER—nothing can stand in My way. Come, My Warriors, come My Sons and Daughters, STAND shoulder to shoulder with Me as together we COMMAND these mountains to COME DOWN in the name of My Son, Jesus, and in the AUTHORITY of the BLOOD COVENANT He established through the cross and the resurrection. No more looking at the mountains as OVERWHELMING or allowing FEAR to move you—YOU MOVE THE MOUNTAINS and RELEASE My government and My truth and My blessing in your lives and in your Nation.”
MATTHEW 17:20 “Because you’re not yet taking God seriously, said Jesus. The simple truth is that if you had a mere kernel of faith, a poppyseed, say, you would tell this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would move. There is nothing you wouldn’t be able to tackle.”
“Celebration time is almost here! Fight through to the FINISH with Me—CONFIDENT in our VICTORY. JUDGMENT DAY for the WICKED is very near and NOTHING will stop it or keep it from coming in its FULLNESS. Picture the highway machine with the big roller that flattens the pavement—that is Me coming STEADILY toward the GREEDY, EVIL-DOERS who tried to sell out and destroy your Nation. They will feel the FULL WEIGHT OF MY JUSTICE AND MY JUDGMENT, and there will be no recovery for them. Oh, that they would have repented and turned to Me, but they did not. Now, they will face the FULL CONSEQUENCES of their actions and dirty deeds. You will be eating cake to celebrate the return of FREEDOM and TRUE JUSTICE to your Land. I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will accomplish it.”
PASLM 9 (selected verses)
“I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing Your song, High God. The day my enemies turned tail and ran, they stumbled on You and fell on their faces. You took over and set everything right;…You blew the whistle on godless nations; You throw dirty players out of the game…Enemies disappear from the sidelines, their reputation trashed, their names erased from the halls of fame…Once You’ve pulled me back from the gates of death, I’ll write the book on Hallelujahs; on the corner of Main and First I’ll hold a street meeting…we’ll fill the air with salvation songs…They’re trapped, these godless countries, in the very snares they set, their feet all tangled in the net they spread. They have no excuse; the way God works is well known. The cunning machinery made by the wicked has maimed their own hands. (MSG)
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Fall of the Fall: Our Marching Orders for the Showdown in DC, Turning America’s Page, September 12, 2021
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God’s word of His conclusive facedown of the enemy, the fiery battle including God’s special heavenly beings who guard His glory and honor: “Prophetic Word: It’s Time for the Showdown | Tim Sheets,” September 5, 2021
The above referenced by brother, Dutch Sheets, September 17, 2021: Give Him 15
Church International Sunday Morning Service, September 12, 2021, including Christa Bullock’s very timely, inspiring message
Preliminary of the 5782 Word for the year, Troy Brewer, OpenDoor Church, September 7, 2021
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