First in a series on preparing a highway for our God, immediately

A voice cries:
‘In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord;
make straight in the desert a highway for our God!
Every valley shall be lifted up,
and every mountain and hill be made low;
the uneven ground shall become level,
and the rough places a plain!
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed,
and all flesh shall see it together,
for the mouth of the Lord has spoken!
– Isaiah 40:3-5 (ESV, exclamation points added)
I’ve delayed in putting this out, because it’s a pretty new kind thing for me. But it shouldn’t surprise me that the Lord wishes to speak through me by a more prophetic means, sometimes. Such anointings have been occurring throughout the Body of Christ lately and they will continue, for more and more believers.
Cut to Joel, Chapter 2, after a crisis in the land of Judah and a “Solemn Assembly” was called for national repentance (America in our own crises, did that last year) this was also called out, have you read or heard this passage before?
And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.
Even on the male and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit.
– Joel 2:28-29 (ESV)
And so, I’ve found myself issuing a warning about discrediting the adulation which patriotic Americans have for our duly reelected President Trump. I also related a dream followed by a vision, which relates a call to pray and proclaim with assurance for the man.
And a number of weeks ago, believer, I was joined with numerous others more seasoned in prophecy, who are passing something further along to you. We need to “prepare the way” for God’s new era of increased manifestation of power and glory upon the earth. This is for the sake of His Kingdom’s effects, including the increase, maturation, and preparation of His People on the earth (called in the Bible His body; His light and salt in the world; His church; His ecclesia, or governing council in Ancient Greek; His royal priesthood; His harvest; and His bride. That is, the entire assembly of those receiving the saving reign of Jesus in their individual hearts and lives, finding themselves forever with Him and not eventually in Hell. That’s a good thing. It is a surpassingly important thing, now isn’t it?
If you will, I’ll give you what He communicated through my spirit and soul and out my typing ten fingers (if my left thumb did anything). Then, getting that over with, in future entries I’ll show you further words on the subject from others. It was around 3am Tuesday, March 30 of this 2021. I was probably a bit dozy and so, quiet of mind. I wasn’t thinking about President Trump (nor Mike Lindell). God was. Here it is, with footnotes no less. I bet you haven’t read a modern day prophecy with footnotes, lately. I put words referring to God’s way and making way for Him in gold, to point out the theme.
An unusual man is going to come lay his head on my pillow. (I gained an image of a white pillow on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, with President Trump seated behind and resting his head on it.) His name will be great among the nations. He will rule in peace and prosperity, knowing me and my ways. It is he that shall be blessed above my other leaders, to know my will and to do as he pleases, because it shall be what pleases me.No known1 enterprise among the faithful will fall short of the mark. My ways will bring abundance in the lives of, the souls of, my plentiful among the nations.
My ways will be blessed because my fruit will follow and give seed to the sower.2 Knowledge and abundance shall be the order of the land. Truly, truly, my ways are the high ways, to be wrought and to be rode3 and purposed to fit. Make them4 and use them upon the earth, for my blessings shared by you with others. Amen. So be it.
(There was also a more personal instruction for me; I had been contending with a different topic about which the Lord has been telling me for years. I think it helpful to pass it along, since it also follows in line with the above for us all.):
My counsel is beyond reproach or speculation. My knowledge exceeds your knowledge. My purposes are being made known throughout my world. My authority shall be great and known among my people believing and transporting it to the earth, to know and worship me. My ways are the high ways, to be blessed, to know. Show, show forth the knowledge of my ways. You know, now grow.(Amen, i.e., well OK, Lord! Yes, Sir.)
1 Known by God and recognized by ones gaining his knowledge and faithful to Him, for His purposes for the enterprise.
2 Business returns to be reinvested, also to finance the spread of the Gospel and God’s ministries.
3 Bad grammar? No, a play on words: ridden, but also Merriam-Webster definition #2: of “rode”: anchor rope; i.e., ways surely connected to the Lord; I didn’t know that and had to look it up.
4 Blaze trails, make roads; they’re His but they’re also given down to us, to make.
God’s ways are the high ways and we must prepare the way for Him. What is that all about? I’ll address that in the next entry(ies) about this.
By the way, from December onward, I’ve listed some who have prophesied of Trump’s two consecutive terms (see article and comments).
“We walk by faith, not by sight.” (II Corinthians 5:7)
A preview of coming attractions