By: Lloyd Marcus
I thank God that President Trump is not like other Republicans.
It truly amazes me that many high-profile conservatives and Republicans still wish Trump would dial it back, not be so confrontational, and behave more presidentially. I feel like saying, “Are you guys nuts? Have you not been paying attention?” Desperate times require desperate measures. Donald Trump is God’s perfect man in the White House for such a time as this.
Do these people who are supposedly on our side not understand what is at stake? If Trump is not reelected in 2020, Democrats will kill healthy babies even after they are born.
Sixteen-year-old girls will have double mastectomies without parental consent or knowledge in absurd attempts to become men.
Democrats will roll out the red carpet to drug dealing, murderous illegals along with illegal alien children carrying strange diseases being admitted into our schools. The Democrats’ Green New Deal promises to stop air travel, kill the fossil fuel industry, and implement a long list of insane job-killing and economy crushing initiatives. You cannot imagine the huge number of jobs Democrats will kill or force overseas. Trump has our economy booming. Black unemployment has hit a new historic low. All of Trump’s unprecedented remarkable successes for America will be flushed down the toilet if Democrats take the White House.
Therefore, I do not care if Trump is what some would describe as rude to Democrats and fake news media. These people are arrogant, nasty, and view everyday Americans as their inferiors. Every time Trump fearlessly gets into their snooty faces, a huge smile appears on my face and I say, “Thank you, God!”
It has been revealed that a few days after Trump was elected in 2016, Democrats, the deep state, and fake news media launched their coup to remove him from office. In essence they said, “Screw idiot American voters. We will not allow this guy to interrupt our plans for America’s decline and transformation.”
This is why Washington swamp dwellers are infuriated by Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again.” They are obsessed with removing Trump from office by any, I repeat any, means necessary.
Frustrated that every play in their Destroy-the-Republican-Playbook has failed against Trump, Democrats’ and fake news medias’ hatred for Trump and his supporters has grown to pure foaming-at-the-mouth rabid insanity.
For you folks on our side who still wish Trump was kinder and gentler, the truth is that no other Republican could have survived. Trump has the perfect instincts to fight and emerge victorious in this openly treasonous and extremely corrupt political climate.
With all due respect, Republicans like Ken Starr still do not comprehend the levels of evil and corruption that are threatening our constitutional freedoms and rights. Starr said Trump made a mistake “attacking” Yovanovitch in a tweet while she testified in Democrats’ outrageous kangaroo court impeachment hearings. Starr said presidents usually rely on others to defend their position. Again, I say that these are not usual times.
Democrats and fake news media portrayed former ambassador Marie Yovanovitch as a saintly human being, slightly lower than the angels.
Democrats and fake news medias’ heads exploded when Trump dared to tweet the truth about Yovanovitch. She is an Obama loyalist who sought to undermine the new Ukrainian president and Trump’s policy. Acting within his presidential authority, Trump wisely fired Yovanovitch.
If Trump did not use his bully pulpit to expose the real Yovanovitch, the public would be deceived. Democrats and fake news media would have sold the American people their lie that Yovanvitch is an innocent sweet woman, unjustly fired by our mean misogynist president.
Starr is an old-school Washington guy who believes the president must always behave presidentially. The standard rule for Republican presidential behavior is to remain passive and dignified while Democrats and fake news media lies, and implements, every disgusting trick that their sick minds can conceive to destroy a Republican.
God knew what He was doing when He made a Washington outsider leader of the free world. It drives Washington elites insane that Trump refuses to be intimidated into allowing them to dictate his behavior, surrendering to Washington elites’ one-sided rules of engagement.
But folks, what is truly amazing to watch is every time Trump exposes Democrats and deep-state traitors caught with their hands in the corruption cookie jar, Democrats and their fake news media minions try to turn it around on Trump; portraying him as the one breaking the law. The insidious evil and arrogance of these people is off the chain.
Rest assured folks, Trump is 100% on his game. Let’s make sure to have his back in 2020.
Remember the lyric in the Billy Joel song, “I love you just the way you are”? Please Mr. President, don’t go changin’. We love you just the way you are.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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