This sure looks like something to investigate and put into proper perspective. Would you like to share yours, as we do? (It looks pervasively evil and threatening, so far.)
From Euro-Med.DK, Sunday, September 26 (line breaks added)
Summary: 140 heads of state and government have met at the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set up in 2000 to implement 8 global development goals by 2015 – including halving poverty. Despite many fine words, obviously not much has been achieved, because poverty, hunger, lack of information, education and women’s suppression, for example are deeply rooted in thousand-year-old traditions, especially Islam and corruption, rather than in lack of money, and because the western nations have realized this and the UN’s ineptitude.
The UN will not attack the underlying causes. Rather the UN is pursuing a classical communist ideology, grapping [grabbing] our money through secret taxes. Financial transactions and the harmless CO2 are the means to pass our money on to the IMF and World Bank (who loves its saviour, Al Gore) and who retain a great deal to themselves and throw a few dollars to poor countries, who cannot be helped anyway, because they are unable or unwilling to help themselves.The pretext is to help saving human lives.
But now information emanates from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights that the UN Security Council and the latest 2 UN secretaries-general have been privy to Paul Kagame´s genocide of 5.4 million Rwandans since 1990 – without having intervened or informed the world about it. The Clinton/Al Gore administration knew it, too, acc. to Pres Clinton – like all the other leaders in 2000.
Now, to add insult to injury, the UN Secretary General has raised Paul Kagame in honor and dignity by making him his co-chairman of the MDG Advocacy Group composed of known communists and eugenecists. This shows that it is not humanitarian goals the UN are pursuing here. The real goal is to make the UN the world government – 2009 was declared by EU president, Van Rompuy to be the first year of world govenance. Therefore, it is no wonder that EU Commission President, Barroso, in his MUM address spoke both about the emerging New World Order and world governance. Nor that 2 days later, he rendered account of the EU to his lords and masters at the Rockefeller/Rothschild Council on Foreign Relations, the force behind the European unification and the mastermind behind the one-world government.
MUM is closely linked with Al Gore’s communist “Global Marshall Plan” that requires revolution of the western social system and the redistribution of our money to developing countries, so we all become equally poor – except Al Gore & Co. Also the UN’s Agenda 21 stems therefrom – both plans being closely interwoven with Steven Rockefeller, Michael [Mikhail] Gorbachev and Maurice Strong´s (Rothschild agent) Leninist “Earth Charter, which has evolved into a religion.
h/t @Carydc
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