By: Denise Simon | Founders Code
CoS = Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti. He works for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the money amounts to more than $885,000. Ruh Roh…
Saikat worked for Bernie Sanders for two years and for his presidential campaign… then Saikat launched an organization called ‘Brand New Congress’… in the process of mobilizing hundreds of new socialist congressional candidates, he connected with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Saikat is the Chief of Staff for AOC. ‘Brand New Congress’ is a Delaware-based shell company and he used a registered agent to create the company and only has a post office box.
Chakrabarti was the brains behind the Green New Deal, which was drafted over a weekend by several of his like-minded operatives. His plan is to transform climate change policy, the complete U.S. economy and of course, criminal justice. He is a graduate of Harvard and a techie.
Saikat founded a political action committee in Tennessee entitled ‘Justice Democrats’. AOC’s campaign funds paid his PAC an estimated $41,000 for services including consulting.
Saikat launched several companies and big money, around $900,000, was later transferred to one of those corporations. Off the books, of course, skirting PAC disclosure laws. When questioned about the transfer transactions, Justice Democrats published a statement found here.
The criminal complaint:
Ocasio Cortez Complaint by on Scribd
According to Wikipedia, a little more information provided:
After the 2016 presidential election resulted in a victory for Donald Trump, many progressives pointed to the perceived loyalty of politicians to large donors as a major contributing factor to Clinton’s loss to Trump. These critics contend that a campaign finance model more similar to that of Bernie Sanders, whose 2016 presidential campaign was funded by small individual donations, will increase public trust in politicians and accountability to constituents.
On January 23, 2017, Cenk Uygur and Kyle Kulinski founded Justice Democrats with ten others, including former staffers from the Sanders campaign such as its Director of Organizing Technology, Saikat Chakrabarti, and fundraiser Zack Exley.[11][12][13] According to the organization, they seek to create a left-wing populist movement to support alternative Democratic candidates beginning with the 2018 mid-term elections, in order to either defeat the incumbent Democrats or cause them to become accountable to their constituents. They require their candidates to take a pledge to refuse financial contributions from billionaires and corporations.[5] In addition, they hope to rebuild the Democratic Party on a national level and to defeat President Trump if he runs for re-election in 2020.
The Democrats used to represent something wonderful – voters. We want you to represent just us, not your donors.—?Cenk Uygur explaining the name of the group[14]
Justice Democrats announced in March 2017 they had teamed up with Brand New Congress, a PAC established by former Sanders campaign supporters, to further their goals.[13]
As of March 20, 2017, Justice Democrats have reported they have received 8,300 nominations and raised $1 million.[15]
Representative Ro Khanna of California’s 17th congressional district announced on May 9, 2017, that he had become a Justice Democrat, and the first sitting member of Congress to join the organization.[16] On November 1, 2017, Justice Democrats announced on social media that fellow progressive group AllOfUs had merged with the group.[17][18]
*** The political points for AOC and several others in Congress include:
- Creating a new infrastructure program called the “Green New Deal.”
- Discontinuing arms sales to countries that violate human rights such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
- Enacting a federal jobs guarantee, which would promise all Americans a job paying $15 per hour plus benefits.
- Ending the death penalty.
- Ending the practice of unilaterally waging war, except as a last resort to defend U.S. territory.
- Ending the War on Drugs in favor of legalization, regulation, and taxation of drugs, and pardoning all non-violent drug offenders and treating all drug addicts.
- Ensuring free speech on college campuses and supporting net neutrality.
- Ensuring universal education as a right, including free public college and university education.
- Ensuring universal healthcare as a right.
- Establishing paid maternity leave, paid vacation leave, and free childcare.
- Expanding anti-discrimination laws to apply to homosexual and transgender people.
- Expanding background checks on firearms and banning high capacity magazines and assault weapons.
- Funding Planned Parenthood and other contraceptive and abortion services, and recognizing reproductive rights.
- Implementing electoral reform and publicly financed elections nationwide to make irrelevant and obsolete fundraising from large corporations and the wealthy.
- Implementing instant-runoff voting nationwide in an effort to make third-party and independent candidates more viable.
- Implementing the Buffett Rule, ending offshore financial centers, “chain[ing]” the capital gains and income taxes, and increasing the estate tax.
- Making the minimum wage a living wage and tying it to inflation.
- Pardoning Edward Snowden, prosecuting CIA torturers, and DoD war criminals, shutting down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and all other extrajudicial prisons, and ending warrantless spying and bulk data collection by the National Security Agency.
- Passing the Paycheck Fairness Act.
- Abolishing the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE).
- Reforming police by mandating body cameras, establishing community oversight boards, eliminating broken windows policing, ending stop and frisk, and appointing special prosecutors to hold police accountable in courts.
- Renegotiating other free trade deals CAFTA-DR and NAFTA and opposing the Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China and the World Trade Organization.
- Stopping any reductions to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and establishing single-payer universal healthcare.
- Stopping anthropogenic climate change through an ecological revolution and upholding the United States’ participation in the Paris Climate Agreement.
- Uncompromisingly rejecting President Trump’s immigration proposals and policies, particularly the Executive Order 13769 and deportation of illegal immigrants, and implementing comprehensive immigration reform which will give non-criminal illegal immigrants a path to citizenship.
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