Spencer Resnick is a Poughkeepsie, New York activist. He is an organizer at Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson, a “community organizing,” voter registration group with ties to the pro-China Freedom Road Socialist Organization. He is a former Field Canvasser with the far-left Working Families Party.
Spencer Resnick has been involved with Young Democratic Socialists/Democratic Socialists of America since at least 2009. While at Vassar, circa 2009 to 2012, he led the Young Democratic Socialistsgroup on campus.
May 2013 Spencer Resnick traveled to Cuba with the 44th Venceremos Brigade, in a group which included his Vassar Young Democratic Socialists comrade Alex Deane.
DUMP TRUMP, DEFEAT RACISM AND MISOGYNY, BUILD THE LEFT was an open letter to the left from 47 grassroots organizers, sent on October 17, 2016.
- A lot of us see something really clearly, but few of us—radical and revolutionary organizers—are willing to say it out loud. So we’re going to say it. Defeating Trump in the presidential election is a top priority for the left. And at a minimum, that means mobilizing voters for Hillary Clinton in swing states even if you vote for another candidate in a safe state. We’ve got to beat Trump and Trumpism while building movements that will fight, resist and disrupt a Clinton administration that will be militaristic and pro-corporate…
- As we mentioned at the beginning, defeating Trump is not enough. We need movements strong enough to fight a Clinton administration on several fronts—whether Israel/Palestine, free trade agreements, climate change, a $15 minimum wage, or the prison-industrial complex. And neutralizing the appeal of the far right means we need to both strengthen our movements for racial justice and win over white workers to a progressive class politics as an alternative to Trump’s racist economic nationalism. Finally, we need to build a left that can help anchor a visionary alternative to corporate Democrats. It won’t be easy, but we’ve come this far. Let’s defend what we’ve got in this election, and keep our eye on collective liberation.
Signatories included Spencer Resnick, LeftRoots.
LeftRoots was founded in 2014, as a socialist activist group, closely affiliated with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Alex Deane is also a LeftRoots member.
(Spencer Resnick|more…)
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