Defense Secretary Mattis will spend Wednesday visiting the border. Customs and Border Patrol said it will close lanes at the San Ysidron and Otay Mesa crossing to allow the Department of Defense to install barbed wire and position barricades and fencing in the Tijuana region of Baja, California.
The lead or first caravan is expected to arrive in an estimated two weeks with at least three other caravans making progress heading north in Mexico. More details here.
Meanwhile, Ami Horowitz who is an onsite investigative journalist is traveling with and reporting on the real facts of the caravan. Horowitz has a vast resume of these kinds of investigations on his resume that include corruption at the United Nations and he also traveled by boat with Syrian refugees arriving in Greece.
During this adventure by Ami Horowitz he found the following facts:
90-95% are males in the caravan.
There is a substantial logistical transportation operation aiding the migrants with trucks and buses.
Food, water, shelter, medicine, mobile hospitals, doctors and nurses are at each base camp along the way.
Mexican police are often found escorting the caravan.
Mexico is actively working with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and with UNICEF per the UN contact named Maria Rudi.
It is admitted there are violent and gang member people within the caravan. It takes work to keep them separated from the other members of the caravan daily.
The largest support comes from Pueblo sin Fronteras. This organization has hundreds of volunteers traveling with the caravan as noted in the video. The volunteers hold countless learning sessions with the migrants to teach them about applying for asylum, what are refugees and what their rights are according to U.S. law. United Nations workers are also traveling with the caravan and they along with the Pueblo Sin Fronteras wear vests noting who they are and some also wear badges.
Pueblo sin Fronteras has been reaching out to immigrants and migrants for more than 15 years aiding them to the United States demanding their human rights. On their website, they even have a graphic that reads Otay Mesa Detention Resistance for Los Angeles and San Diego.
As tensions build over a new caravan, Mexican officials seize the man who helped organize the last one
— Adolfo Flores (@aflores) October 19, 2018
The leader of Pueblo sin Fronteras is Irineo Mujico. From Phoenix, Mujico was arrested in southern Mexico in October in Cuidad Hidalgo. He was there not as a leader but more as a coordinator of humanitarian assistance. He has been released but he did forfeit documents under the demand of the Mexican police. Mujico is a dual citizen of the United States and Mexico.
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