By: Renee Nal | New Zeal

Beto O’Rourke speaks at the Texas Democratic Convention in June.
This week, Trevor Loudon exposes the radical ties of Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke. While Beto presents himself as a candidate willing to work with all Texans, his hard-left policies reflect his many socialist allies.
In 2016, New Zealand author and film-maker Trevor Loudon released his full-length documentary The Enemies Within, which exposed a shocking number of United States Senators and members of Congress who pose a security risk to America. These elected officials were all tied to hostile foreign powers, anti-American Marxist groups or fronts for the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.
Please embed these videos on your blog, tweet them to your followers, post them to Facebook, or personally email them to friends, relatives and colleagues. Every American voter needs to see these videos. If more Americans understand how badly they are being betrayed by their own elected representatives, they can help “drain the swamp” themselves, directly through the ballot box.
Watch Trevor’s previous mini-documentaries:
Watch Trevor’s videos on Reps. Andre Carson and Rosa DeLauro.
Watch Trevor’s videos on Sen. Tim Kaine & Rep. Bobby Rush.
Watch Trevor’s videos on Rep. Keith Ellison and Rep. Ami Bera.
Watch Trevor’s videos on Reps. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Courtney
Watch Trevor’s video on Senator Chris Murphy
Watch Trevor’s video on U.S. Rep. Marc Veasey
Watch Trevor’s video on Calif. Rep. Judy Chu
Watch Trevor’s two part series on Florida Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum (Part ONE and Part TWO)
Research and content creation takes time and money friends. Please help Trevor continue his valuable research!
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