By: Lloyd Marcus
When I first heard about the terrible Florida school shooting, I knew the American Left (Democrats, fake news and Hollywood) would shamefully exploit the victims the way they always do. The Leftists’ manual, “Rules for Radicals” says, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” In other words, always exploit victim’s pain and suffering to further Leftists’ agenda. We’ve seen Leftists repeatedly use this insidious heartless tactic.
Every time a tragic incident happens, cold calculating Leftist operatives run to the victims with open arms pretending to have their best interest at heart; vowing to fix the problem. But rather than seeking real commonsense solutions, Leftists use victims as cover to further their extreme agenda and attack people they hate; Christians, gun owners, the NRA, Conservatives, Republicans, achievers, non victim-minded minorities and straight white men. The same way Muslim terrorists attack using women and children as shields, Leftists attack their enemies from behind victims. It is disgusting and evil.
Remember the crazy white guy who shot up the Charleston black church? Leftists worked Americans into a frenzy, using the black victims to ban Confederate flags, demand the removal of historic monuments, blame gun owners and white Americans. The shooter never referenced flags or monuments. It did not matter. Leftists exploited the victims to enact racial revenge against Southerners and bash America.
When the Islamic terrorist massacred homosexuals in an Orlando nightclub, Leftists worked Americans into a frenzy. Leftists used the dead homosexuals to attack Christians, anyone not in favor of same sex marriage, the NRA, Conservatives, Republicans and gun owners. None of whom had anything to do with the massacre. Leftists practically ignored the actual shooter.
Black repeat criminal Michael Brown assaulted the clerk while robbing a convenience store. Brown was shot resisting arrest, wrestling the police officer for his gun. Leftists promoted the lie that Brown was murdered by a cop while surrendering with his hands up. Leftists’ “hands up, don’t shoot” lie led to cops being ambushed and assassinated and Obama usurping control of police departments across America. See how Leftists exploit every incident? How does one cop defending himself lead to Obama taking control of police departments across America?
Meanwhile, blacks murdering each other in record numbers in cities controlled by Democrats gets a yawn from Leftists. We the People don’t matter to Leftists; only furthering their agenda and punishing their enemies.
In the recent Florida shooting, we have a disturbed young man that the FBI knew about. The cops came to his home 36 times. Like most youths, the shooter posted his craziness on line. And yet, nothing was done to stop him.
Leftists are hiding behind and exploiting the traumatized students. Leftists are lecturing everyone about not politicizing the shooting while they have the students parroting Democrat talking points.
Insidiously, Leftists shifted blame from the actual shooter to Republicans, Trump, the NRA and law abiding gun owners. We’ve seen this scene in western movies. Loudmouth Leftists stand on the jailhouse steps, working the town folks into an angry mob. Innocent Republicans, Trump, the NRA and gun owners who had nothing to do with the shooting are locked up inside the jailhouse. A Leftist community organizer screams, “Let’s drag those no count varmints into the public square and high-tech lynch ’em!”
Neither Republicans, Trump, the NRA nor gun owners had anything to do with the Florida school shooting. Therefore, getting rid of them will not prevent the next shooting. Leftists will accuse anyone stating this obvious truth of not caring about the students.
People are offering commonsense real solutions like hiring security or allowing teachers to carry. Leftists don’t care about real solutions to protect our kids. Leftists only care about using the students as pawns to attack their political enemies. I’m talkin’ pure evil folks.
Leftists always try to make us throw our brains out the window and submit to their emotion driven idiocy, always shrouded in bogus compassion. Ultimately, Leftists want government to confiscate all guns. If that happens, we would be at the mercy of armed bad guys. Why? Because criminals do not obey gun laws.
Why do Leftists reject evidence confirming that crime is lower and people are safer wherever citizens are armed? Bad guys are typically cowards and opportunists.
Democrat politicians, fake news media and Hollywood elites are obsessed with government taking our guns while surrounding themselves with heavily armed security and even secretly caring guns. Leftists lobby government to place rules on us which do not apply to them.
Our hearts and prayers go out to victims of the Florida shooting. It is truly shameful watching Leftists behaving like ambulance chasers; rushing to every incident to throw Americans’ pain, suffering and lives on the alter in worship to their false god of Liberalism.
Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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