Persecuting Trump While Inviting Terrorism

Accuracy in Media

The Russia-gate scandal means big ratings for the media. For the American people, it means the likelihood of more terrorist attacks. It stands to reason that all of the money, resources and personnel that are being used to investigate President Donald Trump could be used elsewhere, such as rooting out the corruption in the intelligence community that has prevented the United States from identifying and defeating the Islamic terrorist threat.

We are currently being treated to the spectacle of two former FBI directors, one of them a special counsel, seemingly determined to take down the President of the United States because he wanted to apply the brakes to a useless probe into a phony scandal.

President Trump, trying to do the job he was elected to do, is now saying publicly what was known for years under President Obama—that the Middle East nation of Qatar is a funder and sponsor of terrorism. In what can accurately be called a real scandal, the Obama administration made Qatar into a phony friend of the United States and supposedly a base of expanded U.S. military operations against terrorism.

As we were reporting over six years ago, Qatar is a Middle East dictatorship that funds and sponsors the terror channel Al-Jazeera, whose American operations were made possible by Al Gore and his liberal friends. Qatar also has links to al Qaeda. We reported on a U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Washington, D.C. that was “held in partnership” with Qatar and was co-sponsored by the liberal Brookings Institution, headed by former Clinton State Department official Strobe Talbott.  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was a speaker at the event, and the official program guide for the conference featured greetings from President Obama.

All of this occurred in spite of the fact that the 9/11 commission had demonstrated (page 90) that Qatar has been protecting terrorists, including the mastermind of 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

In a bold display of truth-telling, President Trump said on Friday that “The nation of Qatar, unfortunately, has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level,” and that “the time had come to call on Qatar to end its funding…” This kind of brutal honesty is what is desperately needed to come to grips with the nature and origins of current Islamic terrorism.

The Trump administration can now go further by exposing Qatar’s extensive American contacts in politics, the media and academia. Such exposure would reveal the names of the Clintons, American universities, U.S. think tanks like Brookings, and major media figures. These are the people, organizations, and institutions which were working with the Obama administration and Qatar to sponsor Islamist and anti-American revolutions in the Middle East.

What’s at stake, writes Caroline Glick, Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post, is a reversal of Obama’s “strategic goal of reorienting U.S. Middle East policy away from its traditional Sunni allies and Israel toward Iran and its allies in Qatar and Turkey…”

Glick’s column examining Qatar’s support for terrorism, its extensive American connections, and why Trump is correct to focus critical attention on the regime, is must-reading.

Yet, at this juncture, with the stakes so high, two of the FBI’s former directors are trying to bring down the President who wants to stop the financing of terrorism, save American lives, and undermine the Russian-backed Iranian regime’s expansion in the region.

While the Russia-gate scandal continues, with saturation coverage, the fact is that Trump’s new policy on Qatar could be a major setback for both Iran and Russia in the Middle East. If Trump’s policy is successful and the Sunni Arab states force Qatar to pull back from its embrace of Iran and terrorism, Glick notes that it would “constitute the single largest blow the regime in Tehran has absorbed in recent memory.” Among other things, she notes, “Qatar serves as Iran’s banker and diplomatic proxy.”

Qatar provides Iran the money, and Russia sells Iran the weapons and nuclear know-how to build nuclear bombs.

The fate of the West, including Israel, may hinge on Trump remaining in office and pulling off a major realignment and reversal of Obama’s policy in the Middle East.

Another blow to the terrorists would be for the Trump administration to designate the Muslim Brotherhood, which is backed by Qatar and effectively controls Al-Jazeera, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Hearings on this matter, in the form of legislation, could also go a long way toward exposing Obama administration complicity with terrorist regimes and movements.

We at Accuracy in Media called Al-Jazeera “Terror Television” and have urged investigations into its operations for years.

In a 2008 column, “Al-Jazeera for Obama,” we also noted that the channel had promoted Barack Obama’s candidacy for the presidency, and that one of its reporters actually contributed financially to the Obama campaign.

That seemed like foreign meddling in a U.S. election. At that time, however, President Obama welcomed it.

It is interesting how Russia-gate has moved the focus away from Obama’s disastrous anti-American and pro-terrorism policy in the Middle East. Is that an accident? And why would former FBI directors James Comey and Robert Mueller go along with such a ploy? Do they have something to hide?

Coming up in part two: The FBI’s Pathetic Track Record on Terrorism  

Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at View the complete archives from Cliff Kincaid.

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