Meet Austin Binns: ROTC Officer and Revolutionary Socialist

New Zeal

Austin Binns

This article appeared first at Bombthrowers.

Not all military types lean to the political right.

A case in point is Austin Binns, a former Eagle Scout and an active and highly competent ROTC officer — as well as a militant socialist activist. Though leaning to the left since his teens, Binns (see KeyWiki article) has gone overboard since studying politics at Philadelphia’s Drexel University.

Five years ago, Binns was a volunteer for Obama for America. He followed that up with campaign work for the unsuccessful runs of leftist Philadelphia Democrats like Allyson Schwartz (governor) and Manan Trivedi (U.S. House).

In 2015, he interned in the Washington D.C. office of U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA).

But since 2016, while still serving in the U.S. military, Mr. Binns has been actively involved with the Philly Socialists and one of their student groups, Drexel Socialists.



Philly Socialists are hardcore. One of their leaders, Brandon Slattery, is a former leader of the Young Communist League, the youth wing of the Communist Party USA. They are undeniably and unapologetically revolutionary Marxists.

They hold seminars that examine topics like “The History of Marxism: Pre-Marxism and Post-Marxism; Race and Socialism; Gender and Socialism.”

Does the United States Army care that one of its stellar young officers is a revolutionary? That he marches alongside hardcore Marxists and Antifa types? Are such views and activities acceptable in today’s U.S. military?

Is being an active revolutionary socialist compatible with serving as a U.S. Army officer?

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