By: Renee Nal | New Zeal

Tom Hayden
Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media has been gushing over rabid communist sympathizer, one of the “Chicago Seven” of the Weather Underground Organization in the 1960s and 70s, and prominent anti-Vietnam protester Tom Hayden on the occasion of his death on Monday at the age of 76.
Tom Hayden is profiled on Trevor Loudon’s website, Loudon reveals that Hayden attended an event held by the violent Weather Underground in December 1969, where Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevera, and Fidel Castro posters were “hung everywhere.” Tom Hayden also contributed to the April 1974 issue of the Maoist journal Gidra, and like all good Maoists, refer to police officers as “pigs.”
Some of the glowing references to “liberal” and “progressive” Tom Hayden:
- “Progressive Activist” NPR
- “one of the nation’s best-known champions of liberal causes” LA Times
- “famed anti-Vietnam War activist” CNN
- “Patriot” Huffington Post
- “Activist-turned-lawmaker” Time
A former state senator in California, Hayden initially endorsed socialist Bernie Sanders. Hayden was also famously married for a period to fellow communist-sympathizer Jane Fonda. Hayden was also one of the founders of the radical Students for a Democratic Society, a writer of the rambling “Port Huron Statement.”
The New York Times approvingly proclaimed that “civil rights worker” Tom Hayden was “peace activist who…escorted American prisoners of war home from Vietnam.” The New York Times did use the word “communist” but only to describe Hayden as being “inspired by student protests against the anti-Communist witch hunts of the House Un-American Activities Committee…”

Tom Hayden, Cesar Chavez (United Farmworkers Union), and Ken Msemaji (Nia Cultural Organization) leading the march of the 10th annual Malcolm X Kuzaliwa (birthday) celebration, May 1977
The truth is that the House Un-American Activities Committee was a.) started by democrats and b.) did not go nearly far enough in exposing the communists who actively seek to fundamentally transform America. The communists did not “evaporate” after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In fact, communists and their sympathizers such as the vile Tom Hayden exist and currently form public policy as revealed in Trevor Loudon’s film, The Enemies Within.
Buried in the article was at least one reference to Hayden’s communist connections:
He [Hayden] made the first of several trips to Vietnam in 1965, accompanying Herbert Aptheker, a Communist Party theoretician, and Staughton Lynd, a radical professor at Yale. While the visit was technically illegal, it was apparently ignored by the State Department to allow the American peace movement and Hanoi to establish informal contacts.
Watch a video discussing Tom Hayden’s political activities:
It’s hard to understand why filth like this achieved any prominence in our country. As Ms. Nal writes, there were more communists than we realized. Apparently they were more than happy to promote one of their fellow America haters.