By: Renee Nal | New Zeal

Inter-American Institute Logo
The board at the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought has elected Trevor Loudon as a “Fellow.” The Institute is headed by Olavo de Carvalho, a Brazilian philosopher and writer who “has been honored by critics as one of the most original and daring Brazilian thinkers.”
Olavo is featured in Trevor Loudon’s new film, the Enemies Within.
Founded in 2009, The Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Government, and Social Thought (IAI) is a non-profit research and educational organization whose purpose is:
• to conduct research into conceptual and historical questions that underlie public policy formulation and the discussion of political and scientific issues in academia,
• to promote the revitalization of the teaching and understanding of philosophy and social sciences based on the classical tradition of Western philosophy,
• and to foster the mutual collaboration and scholarly interchange between intellectuals, serious writers, political and social leaders of all nations of the Western hemisphere, but not excluding the rest of the world.
A larger goal is not only to build an international network of collegial relationships and alliances, but also stimulate strategic synergies by bringing such people and their resources together.
Please review their website, and support their efforts. These are the good guys.
Two occultists now together, hijacking the conservative movement for their witchcraft goals.
Olavo is a former member of Fritjoff Schuon’s cult, where they used to hold ritual orgies called Primordial Gatherings, He is also a promoter of occult authors such as Rene Guenon and was one of the leaders in the astrology field in Brazil.
Christians should stay away from Olavo and his fake institute.
Congrats Trevor!