Brilliant work, Democrats and Republicans. Yay, America!
Are so many Americans so jaded, they can’t see tyrants in front of their faces anymore? Or, that ignorant? Both, you say? Conservatives included? Yeah.
I have tended to let others do the talking in Gulag Bound, lately. For example, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is a much better news hound, with excellent perspective. Cream of the crop.
And Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. is perhaps the world’s most authoritative source on Donald Trump’s dangerous, extreme, malignant narcissism (a.k.a., megalomania).
But if you’d like a brief synopsis of the trouble America is in, if the Republicans don’t do the right thing and disqualify Trump (and for that matter, if the evil Democrats don’t summon just a little sense and do the same with Clinton) then I may have served you well in just a few minutes this morning, talking with Dan Lynch on KUBC AM 580 in Colorado. Dan is great, too.
If that helps at all — as it should — I suggest the articles of the Bound. See our tag, #NPDTrump. (Here is #NPDTrump in Twitter, by the way.)
It seems our best hope may come from calling for the Republican National Convention to disqualify Donald Trump for his textbook mental disorder. I would say mental illness. #DisqualifyDonald!
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